It's official. The Barnes and Noble Nook is now selling from, and will likely be available from Best Buy stores sometime in the near future. It's a smart move by B&N to have their product displayed alongside Sony Readers and the iRex DR-800 on Best Buy's shelves. Competition is starting to heat up.
Alex Reader Ships Today
Spring Design issued a press release yesterday announcing that the Alex Reader will start shipping today, April 14th. At $399 it's hard to see how the Alex will be able to compete with the likes of the big three ereaders: Sony Reader, Amazon Kindle, and B&N Nook. The larger Sony PRS-900 and iRex DR-800 both […]
iRex DR-800 Firmware Upgrade (Beta)
iRex has released a Beta version of a firmware upgrade for the iRex DR-800. Visit the iRex blog for the download. Improvements from v1.0 * 3G Connection Setup time improved by using Qualcomm Network Driver * Show 3G signal strength on status bar while connected * Add Notepad application * Add Advanced Settings, allowing: o […]
Kobo iPad App Review
A review of the Kobo iPad app, with a video review and walkthrough of the Kobo ebook store on the Apple iPad. View screenshots and compare it to other iPad ebook apps.
Kindle iPad App Review and Video Review
A review of the Kindle iPad app with a complete list of its features, several screenshots, and video demo. Compare it to other iPad ebook apps: iBooks, Kobo . . .
iBooks App Review; Apple iPad iBookstore Review
The iBooks app for the iPad is Apple's new ebook reader. Read a review of its features, view screenshots, watch a video, and learn about the iBookstore.
Apple iPad Review Plus Video Reviews
A detailed review of the Apple iPad, with an in-depth look at the iPad as an ebook reader and PDF viewer, using apps like iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, and others.
Ebook Reader Reviews
All the other ebook reader reviews listed predate the existence of this blog, so here’s a list of the most recent. Barnes and Noble Nook Review » Sony PRS-900 Review » Sony PRS-900 PDF Review » iRex DR-800 Review » Sony PRS-300 Pocket Edition Review » Sony PRS-600 Touch Edition Review »