So the big news this week is that Velocity Micro, a US-based computer and electronics company, has officially announced the upcoming release of three new Android-powered multimedia/ebook reading devices, the Cruz Reader, Cruz StoryPad, and Cruz Tablet.
Each device is aimed at different markets. The StoryPad is designed for children, the Cruz Reader for reading ebooks from Borders, browsing the web and playing videos, and the Cruz Tablet is similar to the Cruz Reader but with upgrades in memory, performance, and it supports Flash.
For more information and a couple of video demos, check our new Velocity Micro Cruz page.
One bit of concern, I can’t help but notice how basic the ebook reader app appears in the videos. No mention of any kind of features aside from a night reading mode and adjustable font sizes.
Neither video nor anywhere on the Cruz Reader website does it mention anything about being able to change font type, page background color, adjust margins, or anything at all about ebook reading in general—despite the name of the device, “Cruz Reader”, e-reading doesn’t appear to be much of a priority.
Hopefully the device will be able to use other Android ebook reading apps like Aldiko and Kindle—no word about that yet.
Click here for more about the Velocity Micro Cruz devices ยป
Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch and Engadget
Is there a function of the Cruz reader where the font can be adjusted. The font on the web sites is miniscule. Even the youngest, perfect eyes would have difficulty reading the print.
Yes, go into settings for the browser and change the default text size. You can also adjust the zoom size.