I’d been waiting to get a Kobo Glo before updating the Best eBook Readers page, and now that I’ve finally gotten one and have had several days to test it out, I was able to get the page updated this morning to reflect the best ereaders of the year.
So here it is, my list of the best ebook readers of 2012.
Please note that the list includes E Ink ebook readers only, not tablets. I plan on putting together a list next week of the best 7-inch tablets for ereading.
just ordered a Bookeen , please check it out for your update for 2013
Sorry, no can do. They aren’t sold in the US and the only way to get one here is to pay an astronomical price.
Nathan, it’s really a shame that due to shipping issues, you won’t be able to give us your full fledged review for the Cybook Odyssey HD with front light. I’m wondering how it compares to the Kobo Glo in terms of lighting efficiency and how the physical buttons for turning pages operate compare to the Nook Touch.
I’ve found the info I wanted about physical turning pages buttons for the Cybook. I really like the versatility of the Nook Touch for turning pages with the buttons: one can do it in any direction back/forward with any hand left/right. The Cybook Odyssey just allow the left button to go backward and right for forward. I like to hold and operate my e-reader with one hand only and holding it on the left or right side (the Sony PRS is also out for this reason as I would be obliged to either use both hands to use buttons or holding the device only from the bottom, which is quite uncomfortable in the long run).
[Note: I like to use physical buttons because I apply hand cream/lotion as much as soon as I sit down for a reading session. The buttons are therefore great to avoid smudging the screen. I’m also wondering why manufacturers don’t apply themselves to ease the life of lefties when designing a device.]
Thanks so much for all of this great information. I’m about to purchase my first eReader and am trying to decide what will best suit my needs. This website has such a wealth of useful information.
New update for Nook Touch is out: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/Software-Updates-NOOK-Simple-Touch/379003175
Thanks! I thought people were crazy when they were saying their Nook Glow had new firmware. B&N needs to add a software update page for it so I can keep track of what’s going on!
Thanks for the heads up Veiko. I’m waiting for some more info about this update because Nook’s web page is very laconic about the changes: “Ver1.2.0 update provides minor system enhancements”; that’s it.
Found some details about the changes bringing by v.1.2.0: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197316