So I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that I’ve spent the past couple of weeks getting everything on this website migrated over to a new host to improve overall performance and reliability. I know some folks have been periodically having issues getting blog pages to load over the past few months, and now that issue has been fixed, among other things.
The bad news is the site unexpectedly went down for about half a day earlier this week during the transition while waiting for the new information to update, and unfortunately Google really took offense to that. In fact Google has completely removed The eBook along with The eBook Reader Blog from appearing in Google search results. De-indexing is what it’s called, and is one of the worst things that can happen to a website.
Fortunately it’s not as bad as it sounds, but it’s still not good. Google de-indexed The eBook Reader because of a bunch of DNS errors and not because of any violation to their terms of service. Google’s bots now can access the site without any problem, but it’s going to take some time for them to re-crawl all the pages and start re-indexing everything.
One way to speed up the process is to show Google that this website is indeed still alive and kicking. That’s where visitors like you can really help this website out a lot by doing things like sharing it on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, and of course Google+. Other ways to help include subscribing to receive email updates to new posts via Google Feedburner, and just generally sharing links to the pages you’ve found most helpful.
On every page there’s an AddThis sharing widget to make sharing easy. On blog posts they are at the top of the post, and static pages they are at the bottom. You can use those to share individual pages or the one below for The eBook’s homepage.
Thanks for your support! Every little bit helps.
Lastly, I want to apologize to those of you who have had any problems getting this website to load recently. I know how frustrating that can be, but now that the transition is complete it should be smooth sailing from here on out. Also, some emails and comments from earlier in the week didn’t go through during the transfer. Sorry about that. Feel free to send/post them again.
Update: Thanks for your support, everyone! A few days later and things are back to normal again.
Let’s give Nathan a hand guys! He has worked really hard to give us a great place to read and discuss our love of eReaders. Like, Tweet, add, subscribe, and search. Thanks so much!
Thanks Andrew!
you right: thanks a lot Nathan for the hard work!
Well on an up note you show up just fine on Bing.
Funny, I never would have looked there :).
I noticed that the website wasn1t in first place at google search anymore… It scared me a lot hahaha!
I’ll help!
Yeah, it scared me a lot too!
You seem to be back in the top for keywords “ebook reader blog” and “the e book reader”. 🙂
Thanks for creating such an informative site. I enjoy seeing your updates in my email! I know how much work goes into making and maintaining a website. I have two myself.
Ah, it feels good to be back, even if just a little :).
You can count me in 🙂
Thanks, Bob! You’ve been a loyal visitor for a long time!
The eBook will rise again. Standard of content is the key, and eBook has the best independent readers’ technical advice on the net.
G+’ed the site.
I am a quiet follower, but read each of your articles!
Would be even happier if your RSS feeds had the whole article rather than just a snippet, because it would be less work reading the posts.
Thank you for the great work!
Thanks! I used to use a full RSS feed but it made it too easy for scammers to steal it and post it on other websites. I wouldn’t have cared so much if not for the fact stupid Google started placing them ahead of this website in search results :(.
Count me in too Nathan.
My God, if not your website, I can’t imagine where I’d look for this kind of detailed and accurate info you provide here.
I’m sure a lot of other readers realise that too….which means eventually google will too.
Thanks everyone for all your support! It’s much appreciated.
hang in there Nathan. your site is super and I take my money where your reviews say to put it.
Yes, I also value highly your articles a reviews. I bought a Chuwi V7 based on the review posted on your site. It’s Kobo’s great loss that they don’t use your site to list or sell their products as I really wanted an Arc. Many thanks for all your time and hard work.
No Problem Nathan your info has been helpful so many times. I will pass the word around. This is why I use yahoo search.
I have two tablets and have been using your site for over a year now. Excellent info and easy to find the info you want. Keep up the good work, Google will come around and you will be back on top.
Thanks again everyone for all your help! It seems to have recovered. Traffic yesterday was about average for what it was before de-indexing. Google’s bots are indeed fast.
Everything seems back to normal! Keep up the awesome work, Nathan.