There are some good deals to be had on ebook readers and tablets as we approach the end of May. The Nooks are on sale again at Walmart, and you can snag an older Android tablet for as little as $55 new from eBay. And there are some discount codes if you like shopping for ebooks at Kobo, including 75% and 80% off codes. Aside from the items listed below, there’s also a 30% off deal for select tablets and ebook readers at All4Cellular with code TAB30.
Kindle Covers and Cases
Up to 50% off select Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle covers
Up to 50% off select Kindle Fire HD cases
101 Nook Books for $2.99 or less
Don’t forget Barnes and Noble’s new “Buy One Get One Free” offer for Nook Books where you can get a free Nook ebook with the purchase of a Nook ebook from a select list of 20. This offer is only valid in Barnes and Noble retail stores on Saturdays and Sundays, and the selection of books changes every weekend.
Kobo Discount Codes
Below is a list of some discount codes for ebooks from These codes could expire at any time. Codes via MobileRead:
SpringSave80 (80% off titles on this list) – Expires June 1st
SpringRomance (75% off Harlequin Romance Titles) – Expires June 1st
Welcome20 (20% off)
anniversary20 (20% off)
save20bday (20% off)
gettingtoknowu08 (30% off)
Comeback2503_4 (25% off)
VoucherCode30 (30% off)
$169 Nook HD 8GB at Walmart.
$199 Nook HD+ 16GB at Walmart.
$55 Kobo Vox 1saleaday via eBay.
$149 Blackberry Playbook 64GB 1saleaday via eBay.
$79 Nook Tablet (refurbished) at
$379 Asus Transformer Infinity TF700 at Amazon.
$329 10" Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 at Amazon.
$179 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 at Amazon.
$139 Ainol Novo Venus Myth Lite at Newegg.
eBook Readers
$59 Nook Simple Touch at Walmart.
$89 Kindle Touch (refurbished) at Amazon.
$104 Kindle Paperwhite (refurbished) at Amazon.
$59 Basic Kindle (refurbished) at Amazon.
$13 Pandigital WikiReader at Amazon.
$59 Kindle Touch (refurbished) via Best Buy’s Marketplace.
refurbished samsung galaxy tab 2 7″ at microcenter 149.99
spring save 80 is working on titles not on that list as well. fyi
Sweet… Thanks for the tip!
There’s a BN members only sale on the tablets. $125 for the HD and $145 for the HD+.
Nook HD+ is now on sale til Father’s Day for $149! That’s even lower than the $179 price for the Mother’s Day sale. And the HD tablet is on sale for $129.
I saw that. Crazy good deal. Gonna have to write a post this morning.