This past week Kobo announced that they’re going to be releasing a limited edition Kobo Aura One that comes with 32GB of internal storage space instead of the usual 8GB.
They just happened to make this announcement on the very same day the new Kindle Oasis was released so at least Kobo is showing some competitive spirit for a change.
Now both companies have a 32GB ereader to offer.
Other than the boosted storage space the limited edition model seems to be exactly the same as the regular Kobo Aura One.
However, the 32GB model is only going to be available in the United States and Japan.
In the US it will sell for $279, up from $229 for the 8GB version.
Pre-orders for the limited edition Kobo Aura One will begin on November 29th for Kobo Super Points VIP members. The device officially gets released on December 6th, 2017.
Kobo claims the additional storage space can hold up to 700 manga titles or up to 28,000 ebooks, so for those with large digital libraries you might want to check out the new 32GB Kobo Aura One when it comes out.
It’s better to have 32GB than not, probably, but there’s NO QUESTION that physical page buttons are better better than not.
Of all the things to emulate, this is the least important. Were Kobo to release an Aura One with page buttons — and maybe a battery bump on the side because *that’s* a good idea too — I’d buy it without hesitation.
This new device? Meh.
Physical page turn buttons are nice unless of course they have an annoying click sound.
Disagree on the buttons.
When I first got my H2o, gen1, I thought I wanted buttons and was disappointed it didn’t have them, but my priority was waterproof and a more open device than the Kindle, so I bought it.
In short order I realized I was much much happier with a clean bezel and instinctively tapping the screen to turn pages.
I keep trying to tempt myself into upgrading, but none of the new devices have enough advantages over the original h20 to off set what I lose if I upgrade.
Sure, I get more space, but the h20 has a sd card slot that every newer device lacks. With an SD card, you actually have MORE space on the old h20 than a new Kobo not even released yet. Think about that…
Sure the A1’s screen is bigger and higher res, but I lose the h20’s sharp infrared screen that no newer device has. Nathan said the the A1’s capacitive screen is sharper than the h2o gen2, but I haven’t seen anything saying its as sharp as the original h2o, so I’m leery.
I would definitely love to replace the fiddly rubber port cover of my h20 with the IPX8 waterproof port of the new h20, but then I lose the nice aluminum bezel and, imo, perfectly designed back of the original h20. Seriously, I love the back of the original. Its art compared to whatever gaudy heck they call whats on all newer models.
Comfort lighting is cool and a definite innovation, but I’ve tried it on my cell’s ereader and didn’t really like it. And no problems for me falling dead asleep after reading my h20 screen. Built in Overdrive on the A1 would be nice, but not if I lose the stuff from my h20. On top of all that, I believe the battery life is shorter than the h20 in all subsequent devices.
And then the physical design of the new Oasis just repels me.
See what I mean? The newer devices are cool, but they take so many steps back at the same time.
What would compel me to upgrade is a device that is basically my h20, infrared screen, sd card, high build quality body, with the IPX8 waterproof port and larger memory. A larger higher res screen would be nice, but not a deal breaker.
Seriously, Kobo isn’t making bad ereaders, they just aren’t making _better_ ereaders.
This 100% The original Aura H2O with it’s waterproof, SD card slot and comfortable design was the best eReader released. Nothing beats that beautiful infrared screen and the warm evenly lit display requires no comfort light as it is perfect under any lighting condition.
It’s an absolute shame companies don’t use infrared screens anymore.
Amendment my post, the bezel on the original h20 is plastic. Mis-remembering as I typed. 😉
why the heck is a Canadian company releasing in the US and Japan only. What the heck happened to selling in their home country. My god this ticks me off
Buenas. Que me recomiendan este nuevo dispositivo de Kobo aura one 32 Gb o el kindle oasis nuevo de 32 Gb? Un abrazo
Why make a choice, this or that? Own both and enjoy both offerings. I own the 2017 kindle oasis with cellular option and ordering the Aura one limited edition . For that 700+ books that have been purchased on Amazon, the Oasis is obviously the reader of choice. However, having another reader opens up addition possibilities: experience and content, particularly with publishers and authors unwilling to drink Amazon’s kool-aid. The matter seems trivial given the low price points. I’m sure others feel the same; having multiple ereaders offers the value of retaining access to previous purchases and opens up possibilities of other literature on the device you feel most comfortable.
My kobo aura one with WiFi off lasts for 4-5 days I read about 3-5 hrs a day this is well below the advertised weeks of battery life they have replaced it 3 times still the battery is horrible .