This year Amazon is doing Prime Day on June 21st and 22nd, so expect to see some Kindle-related deals leading up to Prime Day.
Amazon already has various offers available for Prime members (if you’re not an Amazon Prime member you can get a free trial to take advantage of these deals throughout June).
They have a list of Kindle ebooks on sale where Prime members can get 20% off during checkout.
There’s also an offer to get 3 months of Amazon Kids+ for $0.99 (formerly FreeTime Unlimited).
On Amazon UK Prime members can get 3 months of Kindle Unlimited for free through June 22nd, but I can’t seem to find an equivalent offer in the US. I see a 2 months free deal but that doesn’t appear to have anything to do with Prime Day.
You can find other early deals on Amazon’s Prime Day page.
Amazon is also giving Prime members two free ebooks in June from their selection of First Reads ebooks. They normally give away one free ebook each month to Prime members but sometimes they add an extra one.
If you are an Amazon Prime member you have until the end of June to choose your two free Kindle ebooks. “First Reads” ebooks don’t get released until next month, but Prime members get access to them a month early.
I had a free 2 month KU due to charge me tomorrow, 6/4, and when I went to cxl, they offered me 3 months more for $1.99. Yeah, I took it, cuz sometimes the free deals that are out there don’t seem to work for me.