OverDrive and their partner libraries have seen an enormous growth in e-book downloads since the start of the New Year. In addition to the downloads, OverDrive and its affiliating college, school, and public libraries have had an extreme increase in questions from first-timers and upgraded “old-hands”. First-time users always have questions about how to get […]
Google One Pass: A New Way for Publishers to Offer Subscriptions
Google One Pass is a new program that offers publishers an opportunity to create complete systems for consumers to access their product. One Pass includes avenues for authentication, payment plans/processing (without the cumbersome third-party set up), and various administrational options (like: “subscriptions, day passes, metered access, pay-per-article, multi-issue packages”). Best feature: “It offers purchase-once, view-anywhere […]
The Growing Threat of eBook Piracy
David Cornoy of CNET is an aspiring novelist. Recently, his book Knife Music was added to a torrent of 2500 books. At first, he was not worried, because he only made about $0.50 an ebook anyway. But then he started thinking…2500 books is a lot of books, more than most would ever need, and at […]
Leapfrog to Launch LeapPad, A Tablet for the Kids
2011 is quickly becoming the year for the tablet, and Leapfrog, the renowned child edutainment company, has decided to join the craze. The LeapPad Explorer will be a multifunctional touch-screen tool that will offer both educational and entertaining programming for children. Leapfrog is one of the leading software companies for children, and became very successful […]
Kno Student Tablet Being Shelved for Software?
As we have all come to realize, the “tablet” is a hot commodity that many different companies are trying to get their hands in. Microsoft, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, and Google are just a few of the major companies competing against each other in the mobile computing device market. However, there is one company that, despite […]