First off, the Samsung E6 is available for pre-order from JR.com for $299.99. I'll post a new page shortly that covers the details of the E6.
Engadget is reporting that the Samsung E60 and E61 are coming to the UK in July, with the E60 costing £299 (yikes!).
The press release over at Engadget reveals some finer details, here's a few:
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., is set to start the distribution of its new e-Book Readers with partnerships with leading high street retailers later this year. The range will be stocked online and in stores with the new 6″, Wi-Fi enabled SNE-60 e-Book Reader, available to pre-order from selected high street retailers in the coming months.
Unlike other e-Book Reader devices, Samsung's SNE-60 uses handwriting functionality to allow users to annotate their reading selections, calendars and notes with a built-in electromagnetic resonance (EMR) stylus pen. This dedicated pen prevents mistypes caused by hands and other objects that may graze the screen's surface. A variety of pen and eraser thicknesses makes the Samsung e-Book Reader perfect for drawing and writing.
Hi Nathan,
It would be nice if you gave credit to MobileRead.com for the information you posted here.
Not sure what you mean. We give credit to MobileRead all the time. The information in this article came from Engadget.
you dont mention its charging problem. you have to charge it by its special cable and it has to be connected to computer in two USB ports which is not always possible. If you charge it with another cable its screen is completely damaged and cannot be used again. Mine is damaged in one month because I used another suppliers cable. I could not even get any help from Samsung in English language. I need to learn korean to get any help from Samsung. because I bought it from Seoul International Airport.