The new Nook Color from Barnes and Noble looks to be a big gift idea for this upcoming holiday season. But is it worth the $249 price?
That all depends on what you are looking for. Here’s the link to my hands-on review and video review of the Nook Color to help you decide if it is the device you are looking for.
The Nook Color review covers everything from ebooks to magazines to videos. And everything in between.
Please feel free to post any questions or comments about the Nook Color below and I’ll do my best to answer them.
It’s a really nice looking ereader. They must’ve taken notes on where pandigital went wrong. If the price ever drops to 200 I’d be severally tempted.
Not having tried it, it appears hard to beat at this price point considering its specs and what else is out there in the marketplace. In the LCD reader category with capacitive screens, there is the Micro Velocity Cruz at $299. However, its display resolution is 800×480 versus the Nook at 1024×600.
If someone figures out how to hack it and they upgrade the OS to 2.2, then as a general purpose tablet it is also appealing. The Archos 70 I ordered at $279 has half the ram (256k) of the Nook (512k).
One thing I have noticed is that the LCD Monitor of my desktop computer doesn’t have much reflection. On the other hand the tablet devices with LCD screens I have tried do. I don’t know if that is of function of them having touch screens or something else.
Apparently, Android is getting a big upgrade next year (i.e. January/February) to 3.0 from what I’ve heard. And I’ve also heard that nookcolor would be following that upgrade when that happens, which will really open things up. Maybe it’s just a rumor, but I’m eager to see that happen on mine. Oh, and they have Anti-Glare film kits for it too, which works great. Plus there are so many ways you can change the text formats, like “night” settings – black background and white text. VERY easy to read! I love mine, and hope you give it a real chance!
If they put android 3 on it will it have market then? if not it’ll be kind of pointless.
I’ve been told B&N will upgrade to Android 2.2 early next year, which will give it Flash support. There will be apps for it but it’ll never get full access to the Android Market (not without a hack that is).
Google will the first time in particular take care to otimpize for tablets with Android 3.5 (Codename Honeycomb) Google will deliver honey for the tablets in the course of the year 2011,-…yummi
Honestly I hope B&N keeps the Nook ecosystem closed. There really is no need for full Market access. The Nook is an ereader first and foremost with a few apps thrown in. Do you need to play Angry Birds on your Nook? Ereader, Browser, Media Player and Pandora make a pretty good machine. Yeah Flash would be cool, but not essential (as shown by the iPad). Honestly the only things I would want to add are a text editor and a Kindle App (you know you want it to 🙂 ).
no one will force you to install programs, turn off the wifi if you want. It’d be nice if we made the choice and not them.
Would you please recommend what type of Micro SD memory card to get for the Nook color. I was looking at a 16gb.
The Nook Color supports cards up to 32GB so it all depends on how much space you need. If you plan on loading a lot of video you may want to go higher, otherwise 16GB should be just fine along with the Nook’s 8GB internal–combined that’d be enough for something like 20,000 ebooks. I’d recommend SanDisk cards; that’s a good brand.
Is there any indication that the Nook Color will be available w/ 3G any time soon? I want the color, but really wish it had 3G capabilites… I know the minute I buy it something better will become available.
There’s been no word of a 3G model yet. Of course you can always use a MiFi or similar device for portable wifi.
If you live outside the US or Canada DON’T BUY IT!!!!
Nook Color e-book purchases can only be made from a location in the US or Canada. If you are an international customer the Amazon Kindle is the best choice!
Thank you for information on the Book eReader. I am looking for a reasonably priced eReader. The color feature was a plus. I also like the smaller size so I can carry it in my purse. Thanks for the video! Since I haven’t ever bought an eReader, I think this might be a good one to start. Thanks again.
I bought my Nook Color a few days ago and I was a little annoyed at how easy it was to get the screen all smudged with fingerprints and dirt. I would have to clean after every time I used it because I like to keep the screen looking nice and clean. Anyway, that is the main reason I got this screen protector, not so much to reduce glare, but for protecting the screen from fingerprints and dirt. It works wonderfully for this purpose.