This Nook Touch vs Kindle 3 comparison review lists the differences and similarities between two of the top dedicated ebook readers for 2011.
Both are great ereaders that have their share of negatives and positives. Choosing one all depends on your perspective, which features are most important for a dedicated e-reading device.
Well you have been busy. Although I don’t have my Nook yet, there might be a couple other advantages for the Kindle, that I am not sure are in your list.
1. Zoom ability on images not available for EPUBs.
2. Ability to send documents/web pages to Kindle using kindle email address. I do this all the time now.
3. Ability to swap the default English look-up dictionary for certain purchased Spanish dictionaries (presumably other languages as well).
Good points. Number 2 is on the list. That’s a big plus in my book; all WiFi ereaders should have that ability—so much better than messing with a USB cable.
Can you please do a comparison review with the Sony PRS-650?
I plan on posting a comparison review of the Nook Touch versus the Sony Readers later this week. Here’s a video comparing Nook with the PRS-350 that I made last week.
Thanks. I learned some new things about the sony readers.