It’s time for another in-depth review and video review. This time the Kobo Touch is the lucky victim.
For the most part the review is finished; I just need to update the section on periodicals after some more testing.
Later in the week I’ll post some comparison reviews and videos between the Kobo Touch and the new Nook and Kindle 3.
I think I read it is running Linux as the OS. If so, I wonder how they reach that decision. Maybe the choice of processor.
First of all, thanks for another excellent review.
After seeing this review and the Nook Touch review, it is clear to me that Sony readers (PRS-950 specifically) is still so much ahead of the game when it comes to fundamental features (for the most part software related). In particular:
1. Pdf support is way better and actually much more superior (zooming, multi-column views, zoom locking with page turning, dictionary support, reflow capabilities). Neither Kobo nor Nook are even close.
2. Dictionary support is so much better (multiple dictionaries, direct look-up by typing, separate dictionary application, multiple LANGUAGE dictionaries). Also let’s not forget very convenient “looked up words log” feature.
3. Direct link to Wikipedia when looking up words. This one is huge for me personally. A must have. I do not understand how Nook and Kobo completely missed this one given that Sony and (I believe) Kindle have it.
4. Note taking and mark-up is much better (though personally do not care as much about it).
5. Browser functionality and performance.
6. Overall build quality – aluminum body not to be underestimated (no plastic).
I can list quite a few more somewhat less significant advantages. Actually, the main significant thing that I miss in Sony reader is the ability to change fonts (I know it can be done in some cases via Calibre and CSS tinkering but it is a pain) – not sure why Sony held out on such obvious thing. So if a new Sony reader can address this and maybe upgrade the processor, extend browser functionality and usability (though it is already pretty decent – better than Nook and Kobo), I believe it will stay a clear winner when it comes to dedicated main stream readers (there are a few other software minor quirks that are overdue to be fixed). The most amazing part is that all of these issued could be achieved by just a firmware upgrade. And of course, they need to get more competitive on the price.
Thanks again for the reviews. Now I know for sure that I am staying with PRS-950 for the near future 🙂
i have tried using google and IE8 to access the new Kobo touch review. i have not been able to view it. Can someone please send it to me, I am hoping to buy it for my daughter for her graduation in the next few days.
You shouldn’t have any trouble accessing the review now. My SBI servers where getting some maintenance this morning and the site may have been temporarily down. Let me know if you are still having any trouble.