As promised, here’s a quick video showing my rooted Pandigital Nova with the Android Market and other Google apps. I went ahead and added the video to the Nova rooting guide page as well.
To be honest, I don’t think rooting and installing the Android Market is really all that great. It makes it easier to get apps, but if you don’t want to go through the trouble you can still get a lot of good apps without rooting just by using Amazon’s appstore, the built-in GetJar appstore, and by sideloading apk files downloaded online the old-fashioned way.
“To be honest, I don’t think rooting and installing the Android Market is really all that great.”
You know, I wonder if it makes sense for to put a microSD slot in an Android tablet, if it makes changing the intended use of it easier. It is one thing if you are trying to make a profit on the device, but if you are trying to make a profit from your stores, better to leave it off altogether.
I will be interested to see if Barnes and Noble rethinks that feature on future Nook Colors.
Performed the root on the Nova and the app market update and immediately upon rebooting all was well, even the Home button was working. However, shortly after using the device for a bit it started to get funky and I needed to Factory Reset the device. It has stopped acting funky but now the home button doesn’t work. Not a big issue as the Back button will take you Home, just more clicks. Thoroughly satisfied with the Root and Update. Thanks for the info
Thanks for the feedback. That’s so strange. The same exact thing happened to me: The home button worked fine until I did the factory reset—that doesn’t make any sense.
If any of you are reading this and have an unrooted Nova with the latest firmware update, go to settings, about device, and see what version of firmware it has. After doing the reset, mine is dated 08102011. I didn’t check what it was before I rooted. I think it’s the latest one, though.
I am on the fence between a Supernova and a nook color. Which would you say may be better. I want it mostly for ebook reading, I mostly read epub, but some authors don’t publish in that format, and I would like the extra convenience of being able to run the Amazon app store and read ebooks in Kindle format when I don’t have any other option (I have been using my BB Torch for that but the screen is too small, and it does become annoying after a time).
Thanks in advance.
I haven’t had my hands on the Super Nova yet, but I still think the Nook Color is a better device, as long as you don’t mind sacrificing the cameras, larger screen, and HDMI port. The Nook Color has a really nice higher resolution screen that’s better for reading, and better build quality with a metal casing instead of plastic, but you’d have to mod it with a CM7 card or N2A card to get Amazon and other ereading apps.
Other that the ability to get more apps is there any other benefit to do this?
There are benefits to rooting, yes. But getting apps via the Android Market is the main benefit.
Thanks, Nathan. Your advice helps quite a bit.
Ihate to be a noob but what are the other benefit. I rather not risk my nova for apps which i probably find with a little work on the net elseware. Thanks is advance
How do i get slideit to work? Purchased mar.ket only shows my phone,not supernova