It turns out that it’s possible to get the Kindle DX, both generations, and the Kindle 2 to successfully run the Kindle 3’s software, and smoothly too.
This comes with several benefits because the Kindle 3’s software is superior to its siblings’ in many ways. The web browser is a lot more advanced, PDF support is much better and adds several new features, there are more font options, and other enhancements.
I found out about this by somehow stumbling across this thread at MobileRead with the directions on how to run the Kindle 3 software on the Kindle DX and Kindle 2.
The process isn’t for the technically wary, however. It requires jailbreaking both the Kindle 2/DX to be modified and a Kindle 3 to get the proper files. The description for the Kindle 3.X Updater package explains more:
This is a script that allows you to install the latest Kindle software (3.X) on an older Kindle (Kindle 2 and DX). You need a jailbroken Kindle 3 to obtain the files legally (I will not distribute them) and the Kindle 2/DX must also be jailbroken. Detailed installation instructions are found in README.txt.
Judging from poll on the aforementioned thread, switching the software has a pretty high success rate: 41 votes for Yes it works, 5 votes for No. Reportedly not everything works with software change, though. Sound can sometimes get fuzzy and Kindle Active Content does not work properly.
I’m just surprised that this is even possible. It makes you wonder why Amazon never updated the Kindle DX’s software to add all the better features after the Kindle 3 was released when it is so obviously possible. It’s like they are purposely abandoning the Kindle DX, yet continue to sell it.
Kindle DX Running Kindle 3.1 Software
Directions at MobileRead
How is it possible? How can it surf the web if it has not 3G free access? I thought it could not surf the web aside from Wikipedia and Amazon.
It can browse the web over WiFi and 3g.
Hi !
I have kindle DXG running 3.2.1.
I have upgraded it from 2.5.8 to 3.2.1. Yeah, sound of mp3 gets fuzzy sometimes, But I like 2 changes:
1. pdf support is much better now. I can change contrast from lighter to darker on DXG.
2. web support also better. Now I can open any website on DXG. Infect web display is now very sharp.