Today Amazon announced that they’ve introduced some new social reading features to the Kindle for Android app. The sharing features will be coming to Kindle ereaders and other devices later this year as well.
The new Kindle sharing features let users share quotes and recommendations with specific friends using popular messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. You can now share via email and texting too.
Additionally, friends that you share quotes and recommendations with can instantly view a free preview of the Kindle book without having to sign up or sign in to a Kindle account or download a Kindle app.
The way it used to work is you could only share Kindle quotes, highlights, and recommendation to Facebook or Twitter that were visible to everyone, but now there are more options and you can share with specific people, groups, and more.
Then the people you share with can view a free preview of the book instantly from a phone, tablet, or PC. A web browser with the Kindle Cloud Reader is used to display the sample.
“The perfect quote in a book isn’t always the perfect quote for your whole social network. Now it’s easy to share exactly what you want in a Kindle book with exactly who you want,” said Russ Grandinetti, Senior Vice President, Kindle. “Kindle makes it easy to chat about the books you’re reading, whether it’s making a recommendation or sparking a conversation about a quote you loved. And friends who receive the share can instantly start reading a free sample of the book—no sign-up, no sign-in, and no app to install.”
You can find more information about the new sharing features and test samples on this page at Amazon.
Thank you! I was trying to share content to a specific Facebook group from the Kindle e-reader, but it didn’t have that option. Using the Kindle app from another device gives me that option though.