Most Amazon Prime members probably don’t know it, but one of the perks of having a Prime membership is the ability to get a free Kindle ebook each month from a list of new pre-release exclusive books at Amazon.
This month instead of being able to get one free Kindle ebook, Prime members can choose two free ebooks from Amazon’s First Reads lineup for the month of January.
The selection of Amazon First Reads titles changes each month, and since they are new books that don’t get released until the following month, this is the only way to get early access to them.
If you have an Amazon Prime membership you have until the end of January to choose your two free Kindle ebooks.
If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription you can borrow these books when they are officially released in February.
There are several perks for having a Prime membership and some are easy to forget about, so don’t forget to claim your two free ebooks this month from Amazon First Reads if you’re a Prime member. Once you claim the ebooks they are yours to keep, even if you cancel your Prime membership at a later date.
Since I first noticed Amazon First Reads, I have never seen a book there that I wanted to read.
I saw a book i wanted, so i tried to get it, and it just says unavailable, even though it’s a part of the list. If anyone has actually utilised this benefit i would be keen to know!!
They show available on my end. Do you have Prime? They might only be available in the US. I’m not sure.
I can never get my free Prime monthly book…. this month we get two. I have tried to get them and there is no way. Please show me how to get my 2 Free Prime books this month… June 2021
You should contact Amazon support if you’re having trouble.