One thing I’ve noticed about the base Kindle—the 10th gen model with a frontlight that was released in 2019—is the plastic casing material is prone to scuffs and scratches.
In fact you can permanently scratch the plastic just by lightly running a fingernail across it. I never noticed how easily it scratches before, and considering my Kindle has spent the past 2 years in a closet unused (except to occasionally charge the battery), it should be in like new condition. But instead it looks like it’s been jostling around in a bag for the past two years, with scratches all over the front and back.
I have both white and black versions of the 10th gen Kindle, and the black one definitely shows more scratches. The white one scratches just as easily, it seems, but the scuffs are harder to see on the white plastic.
Admittedly, I’ve rarely used Amazon’s entry-level Kindles over the years outside of a couple of weeks to review them (I’d rather use a Voyage or Oasis), but I don’t remember the older ones scratching so easily.
It’s distracting to the eye to have a bunch of scratches reflecting light along the border of an ereader when trying to read a book. I don’t like it and I plan to use this scratched Kindle for trade credit whenever Amazon decides to release a new Kindle.
It should be noted that I do not keep the 10th gen Kindle in a case, but it’s just sitting on a shelf in a closet anyway. You could likely avoid some scratches by keeping it in a case all the time, but it scratches so easily it’ll probably get some scuffs eventually.
It’s nice to have an option for an inexpensive Kindle, but if you like keeping your devices looking nice this isn’t the model to get. The cheap plastic casing just isn’t going to hold up well over time. My Paperwhite 4 and Kindle Oasis 3 are holding up much better. The Oasis looks like new and I use it all the time and it’s never once been in a case.
I guess the Kindles they sell in Mexico hold up better than the ones in the USA. Just kidding. I use a cover on mine and I never noticed any scuffing until you mentioned it and I looked at it at an angle in the sun. Had to look hard to find them. And that is with my reading glasses! I think the problem is the textured surface of the plastic. When you run something over it, like your nail, it smooths out the texture. I guess that´s another bonus for getting the white model, to avoid seeing the scuff marks. I guess there is a balance between using plastic that is too hard and becoming brittle and too soft and allowing scuff marks but not cracking when being dropped. Not sure it´s really about using cheap materials rather than durability. Better to have it flex than crack.
Who cares about scuff marks? I use my Paperwhite constantly and I’ve never even noticed. More interested in what’s inside tge frame…
Many people care, that is why cases sell so well. Most people want to take care of the things they own. What a stupid comment!
I actually agree with you vikki
The article is about how the Basic model tends to show marks on the surface more than the paperwhite and the Oasis, so it makes sense that you wouldn´t notice the scuff marks. But your point is well made as one is to assume that the device overtime will get scuff marks as it is a portable device. We got these to be able to read on the go. Even books overtime get scuff marks and rips if they are carried around enough. The case is helpful to prevent damage to the device. I find the case also helps in holding the device. But even with the case there is still a chance of getting marks on the device. We got these device to read, not to keep in pristine condition. Like the Velveteen Rabbit, scuff marks shows that we love our devices.
I care a lot. Even if the basic Kindle is a cheap device.
I’m one of those that like to keep my objects in good cosmetic condition. Kindle, iPhone, iPad, watches, car, etc. Usually nothing to do about resale value, but I like my stuff to look good.
Moreover, scuff marks on frontlit displays completely ruin them when you turn the front light on.
My Kindle has lived inside a GBP7 origami case, and even so it has 5 scratches on the front bezel.
Besides the protection against falls and scratches, I find this case specially useful, as it acts as a stand, which I use a lot. Also, this Kindle is very slippery, and the sides are a bit on the “sharp” side, so the case helps a lot with comfort. And auto on/off is very practical as well.
Yes mine is scratched up AND I use a case. Not true of any other Kindle nor Kobo I own.
The main reason. I use a case is protection from falls and to use magnetic cover to wake/sleep Kindle easier. Scuff marks are not a concern for me. I’ve never noticed any on my kindle Paperwhite 3 I had for 3 years and refurbished Paperwhite 4 I have now.
I am really enjoying my new Kindle. I have the white. I believe the plastic used to make extra it extra light. My case is the older style that fully covers the white portion. I only touch the screen to turn it on. Hence, no scratches.
I’ve never understood the rationale behind buying a nice device and then putting a case on it that isn’t the as attractive.
Resale value is over rated IMHO. The value of the device is your enjoyment of using it over the years.
Yes I wish my Kindle Voyage didn’t have the rubberized back damaged but it’s not worth using a case for me.
Cases are good if you’re taking your Kindle out of the house a lot but otherwise I think they’re just a waste of money and they just add more weight and bulk. I think it’s ridiculous how much these companies charge for cases too. Like right now the 10th gen Kindle is on sale for $59 refurbished. Amazon’s official case for it sells for $30. Really, a case is worth half the value of a Kindle? Even with the non-sale price it’s one third the price of a Kindle, and it probably cost them less than $5 to make.
I find that the case makes it easier to hold. You can always get a budget case that is worth a lot less than $30. though some fancier cases make it easy to use the kindle or provide other features like holding cards. I got the cheapest case for mine and it is just fine. A case is also a way of customizing your device. So, cases are for more than just protection. I also like that the case wakes up the device rather than dealing with the power button.
Hi Nathan,
My kindle paperwhite 3 is getting faulty. There is no wifi signal and battery drain. Amazon gave me a 20 percent discount for any Kindle I would to buy.
Should I wait for new kindles to be released or I should grab the chance now to buy? Any forecast on when new kindles would be released? I prefer something with a warm light.
You might be waiting for a long time. New Kindle releases are becoming a rarity. With any other company it would be pretty safe to assume a new model is coming soon, but with Kindles it might be another year or more before something new comes out. They didn’t release anything new in 2020 so you’d think they would this year, but with the way things are going who knows what Amazon is doing. It doesn’t seem like Kindles are much of a priority for them anymore.
Thanks, Nathan