Amazon has started up another Kindle Challenge for the new year that runs from January 1st through March 31st. This is the fourth consecutive Kindle Challenge in a row they’ve done. As soon one ends, another one begins.
Basically the way it works is you can unlock 15 different achievements by completing various tasks, like reading for a certain number of days, finishing a certain number of books, and reading for consecutive days in a row. There’s also six mystery achievements that get unveiled on certain dates. It’s pretty much the same exact thing as previous challenges.
I can’t believe they didn’t add a tie-in with the new Kindle Rewards Beta program. The Kindle Challenge would be a lot more interesting if you could earn bonus points for completing challenges.
With the first Kindle Challenge that Amazon did to start 2021 you could earn a $5 ebook credit, but unfortunately all the Kindle Challenges since then have had no incentives whatsoever, expect “bragging rights”.
It’s also surprising to see that they still haven’t added a way to view achievements on Kindle ereaders. You can use Kindles to complete challenges, but you can only view your progress using the Kindle iOS and Kindle Android apps. It’s really a half-assed effort on Amazon’s part. They’ve been doing these challenges consecutively since April of last year now and they’ve basically changed nothing since then. It’s just the same thing over and over again. It would be a lot more fun if you could earn something for unlocking all of the achievements.
To view the Kindle New Year Challenge just open up the Kindle app on an Android or iOS phone or tablet, then tap the “More” tab, then “Reading Insights” and then select the Kindle Challenge card. There’s also a Frequently Asked Questions section at the bottom of the page with some additional information about the challenge.
Here’s the landing page at Amazon: Kindle New Year Challenge.
i have been participating in the kindle challenges all year. three times the challenge has not recorded days that I have read: Aug 9, Aug 23, and most recently Oct 29. On Aug 8 I had read for 281 consecutive days; On Aug 9th I was not credited with reading on the 9th; again on the 23rd I was not credited for reading on that day. On Oct 28 I had read 81 consecutive days. i was not credited withe reading on the 29th. How can those errors be fixed. I did read on all 3 days.