Amazon has rolled out another New Year Kindle Challenge for 2024 that runs from January 1st through March 31st where readers can earn achievements for completing certain reading-related tasks.
There are fifteen different achievements to unlock for doing things like reading for a specific number of days, finishing a certain number of books, and setting consecutive-day reading streaks. They also have a set of six “mystery” achievements that will get revealed at certain dates during the challenge.
Like the previous challenges, the achievements are viewable from the Reading Insights section on Kindle apps.
Amazon started doing Kindle Challenges back in 2021, but back then you could earn a $5 ebook credit for completing the different challenges and collecting certain badges.
Now you don’t earn anything and they basically just keeping doing the same challenges over and over again, with a new mystery challenge thrown in every now and then. It would be cool if they could at least tie this into the Kindle Rewards Beta program to earn points for completing challenges. It would make participating more interesting.
After three years of doing this, I still don’t understand why they haven’t added a way to view the challenges on Kindle devices. You can use Kindles to complete reading challenges, but you can only view your progress using the Kindle iOS and Kindle Android apps.
If you want to track your progress for the New Year Kindle Challenge, just open the Kindle app on your phone or tablet and then hit the “More” tab, then select “Reading Insights” and then tap the new Kindle Challenge card for 2024. You can view your results from previous challenges on there as well.
Do you like these Kindle Challenges? Do they give you extra motivation to read? I thought it was an interesting idea at first when you could earn ebook credits, but now I never pay any attention to them.
Zero motivation. Like you said, if they could tie this into the Kindle Rewards program, there’d at least be some sort of incentive.
I wish we could see the Reading Insights stats on regular Kindles.. I typically forget that we can see our streaks… 1707 days in a row for me! That includes knee replacements for both knees and hand surgery on both hands.
That’s one crazy long reading streak! I’ve seen people posting pictures of their reading streaks on reddit but I’ve never seen one like that. I agree, we should be able to see that on Kindles too. It’s not like we need color for that.
I don’t need reading “Challenges’. I read fine on different formats and non-Kindle books. Smacks of 3rd grade level tactics!
I’m with you they should’ve tied this to Kindle Rewards and kept giving credits for completing challenges. Doing that would’ve helped participants on both sides especially the Rewards program as it doesn’t give many points per dollar anymore.
I will say I did start reading on the app and the reminders telling me how many days I read a week did help motivate me to get back into the habit I used to have when I was younger. But once I switched to reading on a Kindle I never paid attention to the reading insights.
Absolutely! I just got a kindle device and when I realized about the challenges my first thought was if I could earn something for completing them. Too bad that 3 years ago you could but not now.