I saw a forum post about Amazon giving away 3 months of Kindle Unlimited for free so I went and checked it out and the promotion is indeed available for me too, and I don’t have Prime so it appears to be available for regular accounts.
You can check the main Kindle Unlimited landing page at Amazon to see if the offer is available for your account too. These deals don’t work if you have an active Kindle Unlimited membership, and they’re limited to US accounts, but if you’re new to Kindle Unlimited or it you canceled a while ago you might see the deal.
It’s been a long time since Amazon has run a promotion like this. They had a 3 months for $1 deal last Black Friday, but they don’t do 3 months for free very often, except when buying a new Kindle.
Keep in mind, Amazon will automatically start charging the regular rate of $11.99 per month after the free 3 months ends, but you can cancel at anytime to avoid the charge.
If you decide you want to keep Kindle Unlimited after the 3-month extended trial, you can get up to 40% off the monthly rate with Kindle Unlimited Gift Subscriptions by paying in advance.
Kindle Unlimited includes over 3 million Kindle ebooks and several thousand audiobooks, along with some magazines and comicbooks, and a subscription gives you unlimited access to the full catalog.
This deal might not work for everybody but it’s worth checking out to see if you can get some summer reading material on the house.
via: MobileRead
Nice! I clicked the link and was able to get the deal. It seems like with every Facebook ad that shows a good deal, I don’t qualify.
Yay! Thanks, I was able to get it too.
Woo hoo! I was successful also, Thanks, Nathan.