I noticed over the past week that Amazon has been putting the Kindle Scribe on sale, but they’re only doing it for maybe a few hours each day.
I don’t understand the point of putting it on sale off and on each day, but it’s what they’ve been doing. I was going to post about it last week, but then when I checked a few hours later it was back to full price again, and then the same thing keeps happening over and over again.
I don’t know if they’re going to continue doing this, but if you’re in the market for a Kindle Scribe you might want to hold out until it goes back on sale again, maybe at some point later today or tomorrow.
The mystery sale comes and goes, and I don’t remember the exact prices, but it was something like $244 for the 16GB model, and I remember the 64GB model was some weird number like $302.32, which is a really good price considering it sells for $419.99 normally.
The sale doesn’t show up on Amazon’s Daily Deals page so you just have to check the main Kindle Scribe product page to see if it’s on sale or not. Maybe they aren’t going to do it anymore but I saw it was marked down again over the weekend for a short time.
I remember Amazon doing this same kind of thing with a different Kindle several years ago, but it’s been a long time and I don’t remember which model. I guess they’re doing some kind of experiment to see how many more they sell when it’s on sale versus full price.
They’ll probably have a normal sale soon for Mother’s Day, but Kindle sales have been a lot more unpredictable this year so who really knows. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder when it comes to Kindles. Nobody knows what Amazon is going to do next.
Rod says
And yet, they don’t have for sale in Mexico as of yet. I have seen people comment that they have it for sale in Spain, so obviously they have it in Spanish. I wish I could talk to those in marketing fir find out why they don’t offer it here in Mexico. The Elipsa 2 and the Boox and other notetakers are for sale through Amazon, so obviously there is a market for them here.
Nathan says
Nothing Amazon does in regards to Kindles makes any logical sense anymore. I noticed the same weird sales pattern with the Scribe again yesterday. It was deeply discounted for a few hours during the day and then it was back to full price by evening.
Charlie says
I kept checking on and off. At one point a week ago I saw the version / pen I wanted for $110 off, but I wasn’t home. I got home and it had returned to the normal price. A couple of days ago I caught it on sale again and quickly ordered it. An hour later the price had returned. Really odd.
I received it today, and though it’s not something like a Boox or Remarkable 2, it has all of my books and writes awesome with the premium pen.
I have to wonder if they’re getting ready to announce a new model scribe or something.
Charlie says
One last tidbit – In addition to the huge savings, I was able to trade in my paperwhite taking another 20% off and receive a $30 amazon gift card / credit at the time of the purchase. I just couldn’t pass the deal up.
zzz says
Sadly. The Kobo Elipsa is leaps and bounds better than the scribe.
Nathan says
While that is debatable, it’s weird how the Kindle Scribe is on sale all the time, and yet Kobo has only put the Elipsa 2E on sale once in the past year.