Later this fall Best Buy will start selling the Amazon Kindle alongside the Nook, Sony Readers, and other ebook readers.
Best Buy plans to add new end-caps that display all the major ereaders side-by-side so that consumers can easily compare them.
“There’s no question that e-readers have found their rightful place in today’s digital lifestyle,” said Chris Homeister, senior vice president and general manager of Home Entertainment for Best Buy. “Our goal is to help people choose the device that’s right for them by providing the broadest selection of popular e-readers of any retailer, in one convenient place that enables people to easily see, touch, try and buy.”
This is another huge move by Amazon. They’ve already got the Kindle in Target stores and announced a couple of weeks ago that Staples would start selling Kindles later this fall. That makes 3 major retailers across the US that will now sell a product that has been online-only since the Kindle first launched in 2007.