There’s suddenly a number of sales going on for ebook readers and tablets, with several coming in at just $99. Borders is running a sale on all of their ereaders and tablets, and Walgreens of all places has a really inexpensive Android Tablet for sale.
First, Borders has the Velocity Micro Cruz Reader marked down to $169, $30 off the regular price. The Cruz Tablet isn’t discounted but comes with a $25 gift card on all pre-orders.
For ereaders, Borders has the original Kobo eReader marked down to $99, which includes double Borders bucks, and the Aluratek Libre is down to $99 as well.
All of these deals at Borders last until 10/31, which includes 20% off all ereader accessories with the purchase of an ereader.
Lastly, Walgreens has the Maylong M-150 Android Tablet on sale this week for $99. It is a 7-inch tablet that runs Android 1.6.
I just ordered this morning the Maylong from the Walgreen website. I am not expecting much but since they offer a 30 day return period and the fact I can take it to a local store to return it, I decided to give it a try.
Sweet. Let us know how it turns out. I almost ordered one myself. Still might . . .
In case anyone is interested in the Maylong, a video on Youtube available.
Well the Maylong will be going back to Walgreens as soon as I get it on Novemeber 16th. I am not even going to try it out.
I ordered the Sylvania 7″ tablet today for $149 from Better specs and initial review from tipstir is pretty good
Looks like a pretty good deal. Wonder if it will be able to run Android 2.2.
What is the difference between the velocity cruz readers and tablets and their model numbers (e.g. T103, to 105, and T301, etc….)?
Here’s a page with all the different Cruz Reader and Tablet models listed: