If you are looking for a backup ebook reader or just want an inexpensive ePub ereader, the iRiver Story HD can be had for just $49 from Target.
I remember hearing about this deal a couple of weeks ago somewhere but never got around to confirming it until today. It sounds a little too good to be true but Target stores do indeed have the iRiver Story HD for $49. They are sold out online, though, so you can only find them at retail stores that still have some in stock.
When the Story HD was first released it sold for $139. Then after a couple of months they dropped the price down to $99 inline with the competition. Now at $49 they are just trying to get rid of them.
The Story HD was the first ebook reader to use a 1024 x 768 resolution E Ink screen. All the other 6″ ebook readers like the Kindle, Sony, and Nook use 800 x 600 resolution screens.
The HD screen is its best quality. The difference isn’t that noticeable with text, except really small text, but images definitely look more detailed.
The main reason the iRiver Story didn’t do so well is the fact that it is so basic and lacks common features available on other ereaders, such as changing font type, adjusting line spacing and margins, and adding notes and highlights.
Other than the lack of features, it’s not a bad little ereader. It has Google eBooks on-board and supports Adobe ePub for library ebooks and ebooks from other sources. At $49 it’s a lot harder to complain about its shortcomings than when it was $139 back when I reviewed it.
Can it be rooted?
Not that I know of but it looks like there are some mods for it at MobileRead for notes, web portal, and custom screensavers.
Thanks, Nathan!
Can you track down the reason why the Story HD is on sale. And why almost every Target in my area is now out of stock?
Is iRiver planning a new version? Is Target simply getting rid of a bad selling product? Will there be another Google eBook Reader coming out soon with better fit and finish?
The Story HD just had too much stiff competition in the US and a lack of features to succeed. iRiver will probably come out with another ereader, maybe not in the US. Google eBooks is now Google Play Books so who knows where they are going with that. It is kind of surprising more ereaders haven’t had the direct tie-in just for the brand name. PocketBook should have done that a long time ago instead of using their own ebookstore that is strikingly terrible.