Now that Amazon has unveiled their new lineup of Fire tablets for 2015, a lot of people are wondering how each model compares to the other new and previous Kindle Fire tablets.
A few days back I updated the Kindle Comparison Table to add the new Fire tablets to the list. The table includes all Kindle ebook readers and Fire tablets ever released, past and present.
Unfortunately the table is maxed out width-wise so I can’t add any new fields, but most things are covered one way or another.
If you want to see more detailed specs of the new fire tablet line, checkout this Fire Tablet Comparison Chart that Amazon provides for software developers.
Amazon’s comparison table includes a lot more details, like the specific processor chip, the GPU, all the various sensors, and other detailed specs not mentioned anywhere else. In addition to listing the newer Fire tablets, the older “legacy devices” that have been retired are listed as well for further reference.
One interesting thing about Amazon’s comparison, they still list the Fire HDX 8.9 tablet as a current device. So I guess that means they plan on keeping it around for awhile even though it doesn’t show up next to the other Fire tablets on the drop-down list of currently available devices.
One thing I couldn’t help but notice when updating the Kindle Comparison Table is just how different these new Fire tablets are from older models. It looks like Amazon is pretty much giving up on offering high-end tablets. The new lineup all have low resolution screens, much lower than older Fire tablets, and all are more toward the budget end of the spectrum. Ebook readers aren’t the only devices that are going back a few years specs-wise; tablets are too.
Perhaps when it comes to tablets, people are starting to get tired of the need to get the newest/latest/greatest just for the sake of having the newest/latest/greatest. Could somebody produce tablet with a 4K screen? Probably, but is it necessary? Honestly, watching a movie or playing a game on a tablet is just a “time killer” while commuting, or waiting in a waiting room. Why would I want to watch a movie on my tablet at home when I have a 32″ HDTV in my living room? At some point you get to point on smaller devices where better resolution buys you so little it is not worth the extra expense. More pixels also means more battery drain so lower resolution gives you better battery life too.
It’s a fine line to walk though, especially considering Amazon’s ebook angle. Low resolution just isn’t good for reading. The Fire HD 10 with 149 ppi is such a huge step back from previous models, and the price is too high. It seems like they are making up for the low price of the $49 Fire by charging too much for the 10-inch model.
Well,yesterday I went to one of the Bestbuy stores to look at closely into newly arrived Samsung Galaxy tab S2.I chose `reading mode` to see the big(!)difference as described.Actually,I didn`t see that big difference!The screen still was shiny,bright,and tablet like reading quality with lesser contrast,but not obvious enough to notice the difference.I was about to buy it if I could see that reading mode is nearly close to ebook reader.Not a chance!I played with other settings,adjusted contrast and brightness,still disappointing.I am going to buy an ebook reader plus your suggested tablet Lenovo A10 tablet.Any thought, Nathan, on large ebook screen in the marketplace right now? Still Onyx M96 is the best?
The M96 is the only option pretty much, other than the 8-inch i86. But the M96 has been getting dropped by distributors lately. Onyx seems to be going downhill, with lots of complaints about quality control, and their software development has gone in the tank, so I don’t feel comfortable recommending any of their products anymore.
Thanks,Sony 13 inch ereader is a bit expensive,only good for PDFs,recently States distribute representative is fooling a little around.I assume that Netronix 13 inch display absorbed no interests of Kodo and the like to build up sturdy large screen ebook reader.The remarkable S2 tablet itself does not satisfy my expectation of sole e-reading.Market is oversaturated of 6-7 inch displays.Icarus 9.7 inch went to dark!Kindle DX isn`t going to upgrade itself.That`s a philosophical question then:What should be the best consideration of having large,sole e-screen in the ebook reader market?Any thoughts,Nathan?
Tablets have pretty much taken over the large display market. E Ink costs too much and frontlights don’t seem to work well on large screens, so I can see why large E Ink ereaders haven’t taken off. Price is especially a big problem. The M96 used to sell for around $340. The Lenovo Tab 2 10 often goes on sale for $179, almost half the price, and it’s ten time more functional. Not many people are willing to pay that sort of premium for such a niche device.
You are right.But for me,reading tons of academic books at the current middle ages in not necessarily easy task to be done.Tablets may be functional in every aspect,but I need an effective large e-screen for sole reading.The shiny reflection of light in tablet is not pleasant at all after one hour dense reading without blinking!
At this point I would say to go with a Kobo aura HD or Kobo h2o, all other ereaders are either difficult to obtain or have negative reviews.
As for a new Kindle Voyage, not happening, wait till next year as nothing will be coming out this year unfortunately.
Like tablets, their ereaders have hit a wall. Sales are stagnating and despite an early push on the Kindle Paperwhite 3, sales have dropped significantly….look at the reviews.
As for the new fire tablets I don’t see them selling very well it’s like trying to sell someone a DVD player when blu-ray technology is out…even though its cheaper its a downgrade and people will not buy it once there used to something so superior.
Amazon is taking a huge gamble with this and at the same time cheapening their brand and their image and their products all in one. People will begin to relate Amazon with “cheap” this is clearly a desperation move.
I wouldn’t give up on a new Kindle just yet. Amazon has staggered the release of Fire tablets and Kindle ereaders before. The tablets are ready to ship next week. Amazon usually doesn’t start taking new Kindle pre-orders more than a month in advance, so there’s still plenty of time to hit a November release for a new Kindle.
Does the new Kindle Fire, 7 include TTS
Yes, all Fire tablets have TTS.
The Amazon Fire tablet will make an initial push thanks to the holiday season and the novelty of it and the cheapness of it but that will soon die off. Currently they are in last place with every major competitor in relation to tablet sales, fire TV, and lets not talk about the abysmal fire phone that was an absolute joke also. If they continue to be lazy on the eReader front they will soon lose that as well..
Amazon knows they are last in almost every major category and that’s why they are desperate and now want to position themselves as the cheap brand. They need a strategy. More importantly the only reason they are in the tablet market is to sell products and content, not tablets which is why they are so cheap. I believe this will bite them in the ass though.
Agreed!Amazon may think that in North american marketplace,whatever they present may bring steep rise in sales.Not to mention that it works with usual but advanced in number customers who think by paying less they have the most versatile device.A few people may search for something that really worth paying for.
Been tracking ebook readers for years now and i’m slightly less than shocked that latest numbers show reader sales are down.
Well duh! They’re overpriced, under-sized, under-featured, and lack visual quality [when deciphering text the eye’s content needs (rez, contrast, brightness etc.) are higher].
When they’re $100 for an 11 x 14 screen, support animation [and preferably no-spex 3D], and I can write notes in margins, i’ll line up to buy one.
Oh, and no user preferences [of font and ‘paper’ colors] equals no sale.
Slowly-giving-up-hope guy.
I’m reading a ton of PDFs these days.
I’d love to see a device (tablet is fine) that has a large screen (with a decent resolution) and is < $150.
Doesn't have to be riddled with specs — (a low range processor is fine)– just a device with a large screen (at least 10") to read PDFs (where you don't have to keep zooming around.
does $49 version have mayday button or option? thnks
It seems that Amazon is doing away with the video chat option. These new ones just have the option for email and phone support.