Kobo has finally issued a firmware update for the new Kobo Aura One and Kobo Aura Edition 2 to fix the battery drain problem and some other bugs.
It’s too early to tell if the battery issue is resolved or not yet but hopefully they’ve got that problem fixed because it was causing a lot of frustration for users.
Apparently they also fixed the auto-sync button that wouldn’t turn off, and made it so that you can return library ebooks from the device, among other things.
The new firmware version is 4.1.7729. It’s meant for the Aura One and Aura Edition 2.
Like usual, Kobo rolls out updates slowly to different regions so it might take a week or more to get it.
I still haven’t gotten the update so I can’t speak on the changes.
If you’re the impatient sort you can download the update now and manually install it yourself. It’s quite easy.
Check this thread at MobileRead for the download link and to read user comments about the changes with the new update.
did update. but battery went from 100 to 30% in 4 hours when reader should have been powered off. Reading book dropped from 30% to 15% in 20min reading no light on.
did 100% charge and did manual power off. (long press of button)reset my auto settings 5 min saver,15min power off.
Left overnight still at 99% seems OK.
That’s a shame. There are some reports at MobileRead that it didn’t fix the battery issue either. When I got the update the changelog didn’t even mention anything about the battery; it just mentioned OverDrive improvements. It’s disappointing. Kobo is so clueless sometimes. It’s been over 5 weeks since the Aura One was released and they still can’t fix the problem. Like you, I have mine set to power off and that does mitigate most of the battery drain problems unless it gets stuck syncing before it powers off (that happened just once so far for me).
Does the problem still occur if you turn WiFi off and don’t attempt to sync it? Perhaps turning WiFi off and only turning it on when you need it might be a work around. I know Kobo needs to fix the issue, but if this would work, it might help somebody. (Just the troubleshooter in me coming out.)
Been another 24 hours and OK. read for 40 minutes with manual setting on light set at 2% and auto on night mode. still at 95% battery. No Wi-Fi 5 min sleep and 15 min depower.
Battery Ok. but this morning communication via USB problem in Kobo and Calibre programs on Windows 10.Still works but error sync very slow?
Also Noticed with update the tgz file which you copy to Kobo folder on unit. There a upgrade folder does this need to go over?
Are there any good instructions or videos on how to manually patch the Kobo Aura ONE