It’s the start of the month again so that means it’s time for another Whispersync for Voice freebie from Amazon and Audible.
This month’s free audiobook and ebook duo is The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
To get the free audiobook just make sure to check the box below the buy button at Amazon when getting the free Kindle ebook to automatically have the audiobook added to your Audible account for free.
If you already own the ebook then here’s the page for the audiobook, or you can use Amazon’s Matchmaker tool to find audio companions for ebooks that you’ve already purchased.
The audiobook version of The Beautiful and Damned is narrated by E. Tavano and it has a runtime of 12 hours and 51 minutes.
Amazon and Audible having been giving away a free audiobook each month along with a free classic Kindle ebook to help promote their Whispersync for Voice feature that syncs Kindle ebooks and Audible audiobooks together so that you can easily switch back and forth between listening and reading.
You don’t need to own a Kindle to get the free audiobook. You just need an app, either a Kindle app or an Audible app to listen to the audiobook. Here’s more information about how to use Amazon’s Whispersync for Voice and immersion reading features.
Here’s more about this month’s free audiobook:
“The Beautiful and Damned”, first published by Scribner’s in 1922, is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s second novel. The novel provides a portrait of the Eastern elite during the Jazz Age, exploring New York Café Society. As with his other novels, Fitzgerald’s characters are complex, especially in their marriage and intimacy, much like how he treats intimacy in “Tender Is the Night”.
The book is believed to be largely based on Fitzgerald’s relationship and marriage with Zelda Fitzgerald. It tells the story of Anthony Patch (a 1920s socialite and presumptive heir to a tycoon’s fortune), his relationship with his wife Gloria, his service in the army, and alcoholism.
How would I know to find this offer were it not for your telling us about it?
They update it at the beginning of each month on the Whispersync for Voice page at Amazon.