Onyx has officially released their latest software update for most Boox devices that run Android 6.0. The update adds the ability to write on ebook documents and they’ve made some changes to the toolbar and navigation ball, among other things.
Previously the 2.2.2 update was only available on the new Onyx Max3 and Note2 models, but now it’s available for the earlier Max and Note devices that run Android 6.0, along with the Nova models.
However, the update does not include the promised upgrade to Android 9.0 on these devices.
Consequently, the split view feature that lets you read two documents side-by-side in landscape mode still isn’t available on Onyx’s Android 6 models.
Onyx has been saying their Android 6 ereaders would be upgraded to Android 9 since September when the Onyx Max3 was released.
First they said the upgrade was supposed to be out in November, then it changed to December, and now it’s January and still nothing, even though they had previously stated the next update would include Android 9.
In fact on the listing at Amazon for the Nova Pro and Note Pro they’ve been advertising the Android 9 upgrade for the past few months, but now they’ve mysteriously edited out that part of the listing.
On the release page for the new 2.2.2 update, Onyx is still insinuating the Android 9 upgrade is coming, but they have a history of promising updates to older devices that never ends up happening so it’s hard-telling at this point.
See this earlier post for more about the changes with the 2.2.2 update. If your device needs updating, you can prompt the update from the settings menu or you can download the update from Onyx’s support website.
I want to sell my Boox Note, but I will wait for about… until June 2020 to see if this upgrade happens, Android security is the worst of the current OSs. I usually just apply Play store updates and then turn off Wifi in my Boox Note.
As long as you don’t use it to buy stuff with your card you should be OK.
yeah, Google needs to revamp their security model. it should be natural top be able to budget constrain your play account, and to opt for a different set of credentials for each budget.
They are delivering promised upgrades, they just aren’t delivering the Android 9 update. It probably turned out to be harder than they expected, or maybe impossible based on hardware. There are few Android readers even running 9. Honestly 6 is a relatively new development.
Yeah, for me being able to write on reflow books is a game changer.
The title of their Nova Pro listing on Amazon US still touts Android 9:
> BOOX Nova Pro 7.8 E Paper E-Reader, Front Light, Flush Glass Screen, 2G 32G Support Upgrade to Android 9 Soon
They just changed it again. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they released a Nova2 before the Android 9 upgrade that they’ve now been advertising for longer than they keep some models on the market.
I figure a Nova 2 soon as well. They need to add OTG. I wish they’d add a card slot to everything but they can’t be convinced they need it. They are narrow-mindedly thinking eReader when they are actually a tablet with an eInk screen. eRaders are chap. Their hardware is not!
Argh, Keyboard got me.
> eRaders are chap.
Most OS upgrades result in a performance hit for older hardware. I have noticed my Nova Pro is significantly slower navigating around large books* (specifically the ESV Bible) when using bookmarks since the 2.2.2 update. Onyx may have found that the older hardware was just too slow on Android 9.
I did notice that they have fixed the issue that prevented a long press of the back button from turning on the front light.
*NOTE: I use Moon+ Reader Pro instead of NEO reader on my Nova Pro.
It is nice having the frontlight control back the way it was, on the other hand the pinch zoom was also rolled back (at least for zooming in) and its back to using two hands if you want to do it without straining yourself and repeating.
The new update is not helpful for taking notes.
Every time i want to take notes and put my palm on the screen, the screen tries to adjust the magnification factor. That is, it interprets the touch of my hand + stylus on the screen as an attempt to resize the screen. Very annoying!
On the other hand, if I de-activate the two-hand zoom mode in the note-app’s taskbar under the magnifying glass, it keeps on displaying “two-finger zoom is off” whenever i try to write. Also very annoying!
The new zoom feature definitely needs some work. You can disable capacitive touch to avoid the problem.
I wonder if they will “release” it the same way they did with 4.4 for older devices. I think that they should focus more on polishing their older products rather than releasing new devices with new problems.
At the very least they should stop making upgrade promises that they can’t deliver. What is this, the third time in as many years now?
What is the limiting factor in regards to two separate docs open at one time?
I just bought an original note, assuming that it had this function.
(Mine is not updated yet, though can do two pages of the same doc in landscape – I’ll wait a little before updating just to see how it works on the current firmware).
Limiting factor?
Hi, Nathan. Thanks for responding.
You said, Note 1 doesn’t get Android 9 and … “Consequently, the split view feature that lets you read two documents side-by-side in landscape mode still isn’t available on Onyx’s Android 6 models.”
My question is, why can’t it have side by side documents in Android 6? What prevents this?
Just because the software to do it is only a part of the Android 9 build thus far?
Onyx says:
“…some specific features require a higher Android version.”
“Therefore, so far the split view feature is temporarily not available for Android 6.0 OS. This situation will change after Android 9.0 update.”
OK, so in other words, for whatever reason, the split view feature is a part of Android 9… and we need that to get it.
Their best bet would be to stop promising upgrades they cannot fulfill—this is like the 3rd time in as many years now.