If you follow this website you know that I’m a big fan of Onyx’s ebook readers and note-taking devices. The open Android operating system makes them a lot more versatile than other ebook readers because you can install various reading apps, and that’s the only way to get a large screen Kindle these days.
However, there are some things you should know before buying an Onyx ereader, and you should be especially cautious about where you buy an Onyx ereader from. Onyx is based in China and they use some shady resellers that should be avoided.
If you’re going to buy an Onyx ereader the best place to get one is on Amazon because of the easy return process and reliable service. Best Buy also carries some Onyx ereaders now too so they might be another good option, but the fact that none of the listings use the word “Onyx” and some have wrong facts makes it seem suspicious—at this point it’s unclear if these are being fulfilled by some shady reseller or Onyx directly so I would avoid them for the time being because they might be Russian versions that never get software updates.
Onyx also sells their ebook readers directly from their website at shop.boox.com. You can sometimes get a slightly lower price or a free accessories bundle when buying from Onyx directly, and a lot of people buy from them without any problems, but if you want to return a device you’re likely going to be in for a major headache. Read Onyx’s return policy and you will find it is not customer friendly at all—you can basically only return something if there’s a hardware defect, and even so the customer gets stuck paying return shipping back to China, and the return process can take up to 8 weeks.
There’s another website with the url onyxboox.com that many people often mistake for Onyx’s official website, but this is actually a 3rd-party reseller that should be avoided.
The problem with them is they sell Russian versions of Onyx’s ereaders. Their devices have different names and often different software that never gets updated like regular Onyx ereaders.
An even better reason not to buy from that website is the simple fact that they’re too cheap or lazy to setup security certificates so their website is not even secure. Avoid any website that wants you to enter personal information on an insecure page; that’s a major red flag.
Another US-based reseller goes by the name Ectaco. The problem with them is they sell Russian models instead of US versions, so the software never gets updated when Onyx releases new features, which happens often.
I bought the Poke2 Color from Ectaco on Amazon. They shipped it in a timely manner and I have no complaints with their service, but being the Russian version of the Poke2 Color it has never received the 3.0 software update so it never got access to any of the new features like gesture navigation, which is a real bummer.
Other Russian versions of Boox products are sold on Amazon as well, so if you’re going to buy one on Amazon I would make sure it’s being sold by “Onyx International Inc”, which is Onyx’s official Amazon store, not some 3rd-party reseller where you have no idea what you’re going to get. The Russian models often have weird names like Kon-Tiki, Monte Cristo, Livingstone, Caesar, so they’re usually pretty easy to identify from the regular models.
Is it possible to install official Onyx firmware on a Russian model?
If the hardware’s the same, I’m sure it’s possible, but you won’t get it by just clicking the update button. Is it really worth bothering with to save $20?
It most likely is possible buy Onyx doesn’t make it possible. I’ve heard of people bricking Russian versions by trying to install a firmware update for the equivalate non-Russian model.
I purchased my Onyx Boox Note Air from GoodEReader.com… any info about this purchase site?
They should be avoided as well. They’re just a middleman that charges extra to order from China, and they fail to disclose that fact so some people get hit with extra import fees they weren’t expecting, and sometimes they outright scam people out of money like they did with their crowdfunding campaigns.
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you, Nathan, that GoodEreader.com is one of doggy sellers people must avoid.
Is https://us.boox.com/ the correct url for the official us store?
Thanks in advance!
Yeah, that’s their official US store but you’d be better off buying from Amazon or Best Buy instead in case there’s a problem and you need to return it. Boox has a really unfriendly return policy. They stick the buyer with return shipping to China and it costs a fortune, even if it’s defective out of the box.
Thanks for your answer Nathan! Best Buy was my choice initially, but I saw on this post that there wasn’t clarity if they were the Russian Models.
I’m trying to buy the poke 3 and they list the model number as OPC0750R, do you happen to know if that matches the original model?
Thanks again
I’ve heard reports of the Best Buy versions being the standard models that do receive updates, but I can’t verify that personally.
I was really tempted to buy an Onyx device after seeing your reviews. But after thinking it over, I decided I want nothing to do with ANY electronic devices from China. Besides the problems you mention… Who knows what they may sneak into these devices. And American relations with China haven’t been ideal. I just don’t trust them.
Seriously doubt you have not bought any electronic devices made in China. Most consumer electrical goods have at least some (if not all) components made in china.
Exactly. That includes iPhones, etc. Pretty much everyone has bought from China at this point just by buying normal name brands
I would say be aware for any device not sold from really official sites. I just come up on 22.98$ sale of Remarkable e-reader!!! Contact behind this sale has some obscure domain (I cannot find add anymore). Marketing platform (Instagram) in this case is not protection per se.
I ordered my Note 3 directly from Onyx official site – shop.boox.com and I have no regrets. My contact with customer service was a very good experience. I was given an invoice saying I owed tariffs but in emails to Onyx they said it was an error by the transport company and do not pay it. They were very quick to respond. I use the Note exclusively as a reader to have Amazon, Kobo and Google Play books loaded. I had totally switched over to Kobo because of their Kobo Aura One device, but now that I have the 10.3 Note I am transitioning back to Kindle books since – to me – the Kindle books are displayed better than Kobo books. It updated to the new software version. I love the reader. It does have some small quirks but I love the light weight and screen size. All in all – well worth the money. I really don’t care what Kobo or Amazon brings out in new devices. Onyx has done a great job with their device.
Lenovo’s Yogabook C930 with additional e-ink display (with both display capable of note taking, pdf editing) is handsdiwn best overall device which is most portable laptop + Tablet + E-reader .
For me this is ‘The Device’ and my most loved electronic gadget.
I’m in the same boat as you on this model, Nathan (I have the micro-B and USB-C versions). Lo and behold, I checked the site today and saw this:
Download is very slow and it’s going to be quite awhile before I get to test it out but my fingers are crossed that this will solve the quick battery drain I’m seeing on these devices or at least allow me to hide the navigation ball.
Newest Poke 2 Color firmware from onyxboox.com has at least helped if not outright fixed my fast battery drain, Navigation Bar is collapsible, and there are gestures. Looks really good so far. Upgrading was painless for both my micr0-B and USB-C Poke 2 Color devices.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to try that. It also looks like they fixed their insecure website so that’s a plus.
The firmware that actually gets installed differs from what is stated on the page: “2021-02-01_16-01_mc_c4d74ea”.
No problems thus far and the upgrade process went well with no hiccups. Simply copied the update.upx to the root (I did it from Windows 10) and navigated to Settings – > Firmware Update -> Check for Updates and the update was found. A few minutes later, a reboot, Android update, another reboot (all automatic) and the process was finished.
The devices are undeniably more complete “experiences” at this point. The firmwares they shipped with always felt like half-finished afterthoughts. They feel much closer to production-level devices now.
Good luck with your update!
i just bought a onyx boox note 3 and I’m not sure its original, I spent like 2 months of rent on this.
the pen tip was bent and the box itself is frustrating to use, although maybe I’m not used to readers. please let me know if that page is false, its only been 2 days so I might have time to return.
That’s Onyx’s official Amazon store. I’d suggest watching some YouTube videos and reading the manual to learn how it operates.
Reading this I wanted to point out that I had some really good experience this year buying genuine Boox from https://ereader.store/en/ which is a small shop somewhere in Germany. In my case orders were delivered to Canada and arrived very fast and in perfect condition. Main argument for me was that they were selling the bundles with covers, and that the German VAT came off during ordering, which made this a much better deal for me than ordering from onxy directly. I got the Note 3 and soon after another Nova 3. Very happy with both ever since.
I also found some nice Paper-Like screen covers at a Japanese amazon shop, and together with the Lamy EMR have now a setup I am literally using every day.
I’ve never bought from them before but that store has a good reputation when it comes to selling ereaders.
“so their website is not even secure”
I am not sure about what onyxboox.com is, but for http://www.onyxbooxusa.com/ this is only true for browsing products. When it comes to actually pay for the devices, the website is secure.
I recently bought Onyx Kon-Tiki 2 (Russian model on Nova 3) from http://www.onyxbooxusa.com/onyx-boox-kon-tiki and it is fine. Came brand new with a seal.
Ectaco provides 1 year warranty and 7 days return period. Yes, their models are not intended for selling in the US, but by themselves they are fine if you know what you are buying.
Will I be able to update my device (Note Air) that I ordered from them?
So…just got my Nova Air yesterday from Ectaco. It looks like (backtracking) yes, I got pushed there from the “faux” US Boox site that you noted above.
So far however, I have no complaints about the experience (I didn’t get a shipping notice but when I emailed to inquire they were right back with a tracking number). I ordered on a Saturday and received on a Thursday (free shipping UPS).
So far no complaints about what I received. Of course, I did purchase via a credit card in case there were issues but as noted as one of the comments above I felt okay with a year warranty and seven days to try. There is a small restocking fee ($6ish) I think.
I just updated firmware (and had a notification there was one available in the settings). It looks to be the latest 3.2. Which is much cleaner/more intuitive than what it was shipped with.
Also, they were including a free ‘standard’ case – I couldn’t find a sleeve yet for the Nova Air at Amazon so pulled the trigger. Ended up they bundled it with the more expensive case magnetic case with the button page turner. I have to say, I am glad – I would have not been happy to pay that price retail for what you get!
So, will everything work out okay for future updates? Dunno. I’m not promoting them at all. But I did want to at least share my experience in case someone stumbled on this after purchase and had a moment of buyers remorse.
Ah, I have noticed some janky stylus issues. But see from researching that seems to be a possible issue. So far choosing a different pen style fixes but I also see where people had to remove the nib and re-insert.
I’ve noticed that Amazon has the Note 2 Air at several different price points (low of $439 and high of $529. They have the same seller (all saying, ‘Visit the BOOX Store’), but I can’t see any difference in what’s offered. Am I missing something?
Onyx is a weird company. They’re always creating multiple listings for the same products. It makes no sense, but they’ve been doing it for years. The $439 one is the 1st gen Note Air.
thanks for this helpful post and appreciate people’s comments.
I bought a Boox Nova 3 color from Best Buy. The model number is OPC0764R
I just want to confirm that the US version from Onyx is the same and not the Russian version I bought. Any inputs appreciated.
Thank You
Am I the only one who was/is experiencing a lot of technical usage issues with the BOOX? I love the device as a reader Beautiful, generous size, white, visible screen, but slower than any of the phones, pads, readers I used. Booting up tales at least 2 minutes, Usually turn it on before I start to go to my reader spot, and when I arrive it almost ready. It doesn’t log into it’s own account you ave to restart the sign up process, even their website forgot my email address, and I have emails from them from the previous session. All update cleaned up all my user data, so it’s like a restart. It’s own managing app forgets logging info, than never sends the reset password email, neither the text. (US number)
Connected it as a second screen it turned off, and put out charge needed sign. Than died completely. I tried to get to the boot menu, than it was running on the menu by itself than stuck on the factory reset, and did not allow any other choice. Since even technical help never heard about these they were asking pictures: I cant even turn it on anymore. A year old. And now I have to send it somewhere, where either they fix it or not, I am pretty techy why there is no way to reset restart rebuld it without loosing those thousands of books I saved on it??? It was always denying backup with some technical error message. And costumer service…. Let’s say: slow, difficult. I love it like everyone a beautiful woman, but I would be super upset if I would paid for it. (It was a gift, and doesn’t worth more.) Kindle is small, ugly, poorish like, but works. I hate it, but I can use it;
And I did not even mentioned a lots of issues with the screen, the touchscreen never worked as for those who wrote the reviews, turned pages only with the buttons. Until I did not lost it I used the pen to turn pages. Yes I set the corner page turning options. The calibration process froze the unit couple of times.. The downloads were crazy low speed, and it’s own apps simply quit when supposed to start, including updates. Sorry, I am in the process begging them to fix it, as it give up totally, and all the trouble it caused flooded me. And I never thought, I will have issues with a so highly priced, and highly praised device. I was so happy to have it, when I got it as a present and caused me so much disappointment. When you try to convince your son to read then this crp suddenly freezes and: “Daddy can’t you fix it? I just started to enjoy the book, as the kids were sailing…” For me it is a good idea, a genius Russian design, barely executed, plus made in China. Like the BMW which has the same issues, and Chinese parts.
I bought a POKE 3 product in the eu shop https://euroshop.boox.com/ and contacted the support service to get a refund, they have locked out my email.
****** BE CAREFUL ******** they do not comply with Directive 2011/83 / EU
I would like to preorder the new onyx boox tab ultra C from a German website ereader.store but i never bought anything from them, are they relaiable?
I’ve never ordered from them but that store has been around for years and has a good reputation. Amazon also has the Tab Ultra C available to order now too.
I just place an order on the Ectaco site only to then see this article, I sure hope I don’t get played too hard.
You’ll be fine. Onyx doesn’t update their software nearly as often as they used to, and when they do they’re just as likely to screw something up as making something better, so getting a Russian version that probably won’t get any updates isn’t that big of a deal.