Google One Pass is a new program that offers publishers an opportunity to create complete systems for consumers to access their product. One Pass includes avenues for authentication, payment plans/processing (without the cumbersome third-party set up), and various administrational options (like: “subscriptions, day passes, metered access, pay-per-article, multi-issue packages”). Best feature: “It offers purchase-once, view-anywhere functionality, so users can view the content they buy across all of their devices.”
One Pass allows publishers to have control over the content of which is available for purchase and those which are free; while also controlling the payment processes available and eligible for their customers. Bonus: payment is processed through Google Checkout, already, obviously, affiliated with Google One Pass, and therefore much safer.
Google One Pass contains a “lightweight technology implementation,” making it easy to install and easy to manage. The publishers’ content will be managed on a “simple online interface,” and is set up so publishers can try various settings to manage their content. This way they can find their own specific needs and goals when presenting and supplying their customers’ content, with “minimal developmental costs.”
Publishers have many options with Google One Pass for the access to and payment of all their content. Subscriptions of any size can be sold by day pass (and any #day pass), auto-renewal, individual or multi-issue packages. Google One Pass also offers various metered-models in which publishers can offer certain bonuses in which customers can view specific content and/or have site access for free (for a limited time). Frequent or committed customers can be offered premium packages through the business management models provided by One Pass.
Google One Pass can also be made available to current customers through “a coupon-based system.” Publishers can either offer current subscribers a customer code in which to verify and enter One Pass, or can “seamlessly” have access to the site via other solutions offered by Google One Pass.
Lastly, Google One Pass can be easily managed through all online properties because it operated on multiple sites. And One Pass is already set up to acquiesce to payments with mobile apps purchased by systems that permit transactions made outside of their app market.
Overall, Google One Pass is a one-stop-shop for publishers and the consumers after those publishers’ content.