Amazon’s Black Friday Deals have expanded today to include the new Fire tablet, the Fire HD 6, and other Amazon devices like the Fire TV stick at deep discounts.
The new Fire tablet is only $35 from now through Sunday, the 29th. That’s a great price for the Fire tablet, and it’s definitely hard to pass up at that price, especially when Google apps can be installed so easily.
The Fire Tablet Essentials Bundle is also on sale. It includes a case, a 32GB Sandisk microSD card, and a $10 Amazon gift card for $69. That’s $30 off the regular price.
The Fire HD 6 is marked down by $30 too, bringing the price to $69. About the only reason to get it over the $35 Fire is for the increased screen resolution, which makes it better suited for reading. Otherwise they’re pretty much identical other than the size.
The Kobo Glo HD is another device that has just gone on sale for $99 from Chapters.Indigo. It normally sells for $129.
The Nook Glowlight Plus is on sale this week too, and so is the entry-level Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite, so there’s no better time to get a new ereader than now.
Amazon Deals
2015 Fire Tablet – $35 ($15 off)
Fire Tablet Essentials Bundle – $69 ($30 off)
Fire HD 6 – $69 ($30 off)
Fire HD 6 Kids Edition – $120 ($30 off)
Fire Kids Edition – $85 ($15 off)
Kindle Paperwhite 3 – $99 ($20 off)
Kindle – $49 ($30 off)
Kindle for Kids – $69 ($30 off)
Fire TV Stick – $25 ($15 off)
Fire TV – $75 ($25 off)
Amazon Echo – $149 ($30 off)
Kobo Glo HD
Kobo Glo HD – $99 ($30 off)
The Nook Glowlight Plus and Samsung Nook tablets are on sale starting today as well.
I recently saw your youtube video comparing the new Paperwhite 3 with the $49 Kindle fore tab. I wanted to ask what line spacing command do you use on Calibre to get that precise line spacing?
I ask because standard is either too tight or too spaced out. Thanks..
I haven’t been using Calibre lately. The books shown are using the default layout.