You’ve always got to be careful when shopping online. There are always those that are looking to make a buck by selling you an outdated or useless product.
That’s the case with Best Buy and their bogus Sony eBook Gift Cards that they are trying to sell for $25 and $50 each.
The problem with this is the simple fact that the cards are no longer valid.
Sony closed their ebook store almost 2 years ago.
Last year I complained about this very same thing. A couple of websites, Walmart and TigerDirect, were selling these same exact completely useless Sony gift cards (the pages still exist but at least they aren’t selling them anymore).
I can’t believe over a year later they are still being sold online, and from a prominent website like Best Buy no less.
It’s pretty crazy that a company like Best Buy can sell gift cards for a store that doesn’t even exist. It makes you wonder how many other bogus gift cards are being sold online.
I don’t know how Best Buy can even activate the things.
I can believe that this is still on their site, as BestBuy never fails to disappoint me..
I just sent them a notice via email on their website asking them to remove the product. I included all the proper links to the Sony closure announcement
The FAQ states that the gift cards were only good through March 20, 2014
I hope no one accidentally bought those and tried to give them as gifts, and I hope we are not still talking about this a year from now
Everyone have a Happy Holiday!