Now that Kobo has inexplicably discontinued the Kobo Glo HD in favor of the Kobo Aura Edition 2, the Glo HD has become an endangered species, disappearing from most stores and websites.
The Glo HD has been out of stock on Kobo’s own website for several weeks now, and they even removed it from the top navigation menu so it’s definitely not coming back at this point.
There are still a few places that sell the Kobo Glo HD in new condition.
Right now the price is quite low too, cheaper than the new Kobo Aura 2 with its downgraded lower resolution screen.
If you’re thinking about getting a Kobo Glo HD now would be the time because once stock gets low and these smaller companies get word that it’s been discontinued they’ll jack the price up higher than it’s ever been.
Currently there are a few sellers on Amazon and eBay that will ship the Glo HD from Japan for around $107 with shipping. That’s a good price but it might take a few weeks to arrive.
If you want to get it shipped from the US for faster shipping, there are a couple of sellers on eBay that have the Glo HD for $119, which was its original price to begin with and the same price as the Aura 2.
In my opinion the Kobo Glo HD is better than the Aura 2 because of the higher resolution screen, so it’s worth considering if you’re in the market for a 6-inch ereader before it’s gone for good.
Thanks for the info. I am tempted to get Kobo Glo HD as it might disappear soon. However, for the price at $107-$120, it seems to be expensive. (Consider the support after sale for the discontinued product. In other words, there is probably no support after sale)
From some of the Amazon reviews of Kobo readers, I saw some people whose readers stop working in a short time. Ironically, I have the original Kobo reader which did fail on me. So, so far I only have 1 and only 1 Kobo product.
Something to think about.
That’s a shame. I’ve had mine for over a year and I consider it my best e-reader that I’ve owned. I returned the Voyager in favor of this and haven’t looked back. For the price it was the best 6″ ereader on the market.