Amazon Warehouse Deals currently has a bunch of used covers for the Kindle Oasis available for a fraction of the price of a new cover.
They’re the official charging covers that come with the Kindle Oasis, not some cheap 3rd party cover that doesn’t include a battery.
New replacement covers for the Kindle Oasis usually sell for $89.99.
But these used ones are currently going for as low as $10.31.
Most listings say they have a minor cosmetic imperfection on the item, but the ones rated “very good” are only like 50 cents more than the “acceptable” ones.
They have walnut and merlot covers for cheap, but used black covers in the same condition are oddly priced above $44 so the low-priced ones probably won’t last very long.
At that price they’d be good for a backup if nothing else. The Kindle Oasis is so dependent on a cover for the external battery that it doesn’t hurt to have an extra one laying around.
via: MobileRead
A “charging cover” is simply a battery covered in material to look pretty. Riley’s Rule #1: NEVER buy a used battery.
What the heck for 12.00 picked up a merlot cover .
Can’t easily charge the Oasis w/out a cover. Got an extra – these should be fine, or Amazon will bear the brunt of angry folks. In this case, used should be ok.
The bad part is that these probably come with no warranty. (Like all of the used Amazon devices from the Warehouse.) Although I suppose for this low price, maybe it doesn’t matter. 🙂
They have a 30-day warehouse deals warranty, I purchased 2 of them and am testing them to see if there are any issues.
Wow either Amazon made a mistake with oasis cover pricing yesterday or it was a one time thing. but prices are back up to the 40.00 plus range this morning .