Now that E Ink has released a new color screen technology, and with a few new color ereaders getting released in 2020 like the Onyx Poke2 Color, the likelihood of Amazon releasing a color Kindle is greater than ever.
However, E Ink only appears to be producing 6-inch color screens for ebook readers at the moment, as all the new color ereaders have the same 6-inch screen, and the resolution is quite low at just 100 ppi for color content, 300 ppi for text.
Considering that, if Amazon were to jump on the color E Ink bandwagon, the first generation color Kindle would most likely have a 6-inch screen, which isn’t really large enough to take advantage of most color content, but it’s a start.
It makes me wonder if there would even be much of a market for an ebook reader with a smaller screen and low resolution color, especially considering color doesn’t really matter when it comes to reading most ebooks.
If Amazon were to release a 6-inch color Kindle it would most certainly cost a lot more than their current 6-inch Kindles. They aren’t going to take a color screen and couple it with a budget design like the entry-level Kindle.
It would most likely be marketed as a premium device, and considering the Kindle Voyage sold for $199, I think a color Kindle would be in the $250 range.
Would you be willing to pay that much for a 6-inch Kindle with a color screen? I’m not sure a lot of people would. A larger 8-inch color screen might draw more interest for comics, manga, magazines, but I’m not sure there would be a ton of interest in a 6-inch color Kindle just for book covers and occasional images.
Considering the fact that it took Amazon three years to add a warm frontlight option to the Kindle line with the latest Kindle Oasis, it might take them several years to adopt color screens, but you never know. It could happen later this year. Or maybe there just won’t be enough interest and color E Ink will fizzle out like E Ink’s last attempt to produce color ereaders. Either way it’ll be interesting to see how things play out.
I’m not sure that I’m in a majority but my only interest in a color Kindle along these lines is to give the premium something new to hold at the higher price point, and release warm lighting and possibly even physical page-turn buttons to the lower-cost models. I’m personally for keeping my e-ink ereaders simple and monochrome for as long as possible. Every other piece of tech I own is “smart”, colorful and finding new ways to grab and monetize my attention.
I have oasis, and I’d want a larger kindle color, but yeah, I’d probably buy a six inch if that’s what they released, it would be too intriguing not to and then I’d buy the bigger version when they released that. It’s not photos that interest me with color, it’s the little details in books that are so often lacking in ebooks, color on new chapter pages and the cover art I miss seeing when I pick up my kindle instead of a paper book. My dream kindle will have color and this is a step in that direction.
I would. But I’m sure I’m an outlier.
Nope. Too small, too much for that size. I would pay $249 for 8inch tho.
I am not interested in a color reader. Aren’t the covers of the book the only thing you would see colorized if you are just reading a mystery, etc. book? I do not read manga or magazines on the Kindle. Magazines – the very few I do look at are done so on my iPad Pro 12.9. I would not buy another 6 inch device. I wish Amazon would bring out a 9 inch or 10 inch size reader but I doubt it will ever happen. I also doubt they will add the warm light option to all of their line up like Kobo has done.
I just want an Onyx Boox Max 3 or similar with a pen for $369.00 Will this ever be possible?
I have always maintained that a color e-reader would be, at this point in time, basically indistinguishable from a color e-ink tablet. It would therefore be the end of dedicated e-readers.
Nope, why buy a product that locks you into its ecosystem when you can buy one that allows you to use them all.
I actually read from my Kindle library every day but not on my Kindle. I use my cell phone it’s smaller and the screen is so much nicer. I use a one plus 7t
I will pass on a SIX inch e-reader from Kindle or Kobo. I actually have quite a bit of graphics heavy content that would be great on a 9 or 10 inch device. I might even buy an 8 inch model.
I am actually considering a Pocketbook Inkpad X for its large screen format. Trying to hold out for a large format color e-reader.
I would buy it in a heartbeat!
I love the samong that I have. Works great for around $100.00.
Just buy an android tablet with muh better screen quality for a pretty cheap price lol
Where it might be good is for kids and picture books. However, I doubt many parents would buy it for that when a kindle fire is cheaper.
I would ABSOLUTELY pay that much. I buy art books, illustration collections, animal and plant photo reference books… It would be a treasure. I’d buy it in a heartbeat provided it had the high storage capacity of my current paperwhite. (No point in using it for art books if there’s not enough storage for them!) I’ve dreamed of color e-ink kindles for years, before the tech was a glimmer in Amazon’s eyes… I’ll absolutely be buying if they produce this!
– Would You Buy a 6″ Color Kindle for $249?
– No.
I bought the Kindle Paperwhite last year but don’t really like it. Slower response time and the controls are different than on a tablet so I keep pressing the wrong thing. I prefer reading on a tablet
I end up with all the e-ink thing’s, but I’m pretty sure I’d pass on this. I.e. With all the people who’d want something larger.
I’m waiting for larger format 10 inch. Now that I would jump on in a minute. What ever the price. The ereader kindle paper white I have is great so far, it’s the shopping for books interface that gets me disgusted. I look for books on my samsung tablet then go to the ereader and buy the book. The Amazon books site is still the best place for me.
A 6 inch device, are you kidding me? May as well use my phone.
I wouldn’t buy it JUST for color but if there were actual page turn buttons on the left and right sides of the device too, I would. 😉
At the moment, I wouldn’t pay $250 for color. But I am anticipating the day when all e-readers can do color at a decent resolution. First steps to color are simply first steps. Let the technology age a little.
If there was a bigger 9′ screen e-reader optimized for graphic novels and basic internet like Wikipedia and Feed news, I would certainly ditch my iPad for one.
That would be one massive ereader. 🙂
Nope. Nothing I read has color. I do miss being able to turn the pages from the sides, though. My Kindle screen is currently a testament to my love of hand lotion.
I’d prefer a e-ink color Fire 10 inch.
Would purchase an 8-inch model, not another 6-inch Kindle.
I would consider it if it also came with a much, much larger battery. I love the idea of a colour e reader, but the only thing I love more is a device that never needs to be plugged in. I’m getting disappointed with current e readers with new leds and fancy Wi-Fi Bluetooth. No one is addressing the power consumption of these add-ons. I hope colour e ink doesn’t drain the battery any more
No. Color is a distraction unless you want it for comics or something
No. But I would be unlikely to buy ANY 6″ reader. If they made it 7″, maybe, but unlikely. 8″ definitely!
Meanwhile, perfectly happy with my Kobo Aura ONE. I *have* the Kindle 7″ Oasis, but it’s awkward compared to the Kobo and the Kobo remains my preferred reader. I like a larger screen.
If I needed color, and a small device, then a smartphone would show color better than color e-ink ever could.
This is a no-brainer for young kids. All the benefits of a full-colour reading device without the distraction of tablets and ipads.
I’m not sure what the value of adding color would be – for me. I don’t typically read magazines on any of my devices, though I do read physical copies of magazines. I read some graphic novels, but only on my phone. The panel-to-panel system on my Kindle app on my phone works great.
But I don’t read so many graphic novels that it would justify the rush to getting a color ink Kindle, so for me, it would just be novelty, and I can’t afford to buy for novelty’s sake.
Children’s books, definitely of interest, though an 8″ would be better for visibility and PDFs. However, unless and until Kindle readers start extending into the e-notebook realm with writing capability, then the Boox and other readers will likely take over this market once the color screens become high enough PPI.
Yup. It’ll certainly be a bit buggy, and resolution will leave much to be desired, but I’d still buy one. Most of my reading is already done through the Kindle ecosystem, so I’m not overly plussed about being locked in. That said, I’d like to see a proper offshoot to the ACeP screens… one that’ll offer color output and resolution than the e ink Print Color or Kaleido technology, and will do do in a small form factor like a tablet or reader . Even at the cost of battery performance over current e ink tech, it’ll still make for a tablet that’ll last days, and tie in to multiple ecosystems, or a dedicated e reader that can last a weeks or more. Until then, yep, I’d buy one, crunchy as it might end up being.