Yesterday the Kobo Libra H2O was marked down to $99 at Walmart, but unfortunately that deal didn’t last very long because now the price is already up to $129 (which is still $20 less than Kobo’s sale price).
On the plus side, Kobo is running another round of sales on their ereaders before Christmas, and this time the Kobo Clara HD is cheaper than it was for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The Kobo Nia is marked down to $79 again and the Kobo Clara HD is $89. The latter has a better screen and a better frontlight so it’s easily worth spending an extra $10.
The Kobo Forma remains on sale for $209 as well now that it’s been replaced by the Kobo Sage.
There are some refurbished Kobo ereaders available for cheap on Walmart’s website as well.
Kobo Sales
Kobo Forma – $209 ($40 off)
Kobo Libra H2O – $129 ($40 off)
Kobo Clara HD – $89 ($30 off)
Kobo Nia – $79 ($20 off)
Kobo Elipsa Pack – $299 (refurbished)
Kobo Libra H2O – $104 (refurbished)
Kobo Clara HD – $79 (refurbished)
What do you do when there is a problem? Kobo has NO after-sales Repair or Technical Service!
Who does?