Kobo has starting rolling out firmware updates for their line of dedicated ereaders. The release notes don’t say much about the changes, but apparently they fixed a couple of bugs, including a database corruption issue that has been a problem for a long time now.
The new software version is 4.39.23027 for the three new models that were just released two months ago, including the Kobo Clara BW, the Clara Colour and the Libra Colour.
For all the other models the new software version is 4.38.23038. That includes all Kobos going back to 2011, except the Kobo Mini, which was ostracized for some reason.
Kobo used to release software updates every few months but development has really slowed down over the past couple of years.
It’s been 10 months since the last software update was released for anything other than the new models that came out in April, and that was a fairly minor update to fix some bugs. It’s been a full calander year since they last added any signifigant new features, and that was just mainly for the notetaking models.
Here are the release notes for the latest update (both versions):
• Fixed: The eReader may crash while scrolling or swiping in the ‘Discover’ tab
• Fixed: The eReader database may be left in an incorrect state after connecting and disconnecting the eReader from a computer
Hopefully that means the database corruption issue that was introduced with an earlier update has been fixed, but Kobos have always been prone to database corruption issues so always make sure to eject your Kobo device from your computer before disconnecting the USB cable.
Download New Software
Kobo ereaders will automatically check for new software updates while syncing, but Kobo doesn’t usually make software updates available for all devices at the same time, so it might take a few weeks for your Kobo to auto-update on its own. But you can manually install the new software whenever you want by downloading it from the Kobo Firmware Updates page. Just make sure to get the software for your specific model to avoid problems.
Many ppl on mobileread postulate that since there’s likely a unified Tolino/Kobo 5.0 firmware on the horizon, the 4.38 and 4.39 firmwares (pre color and post color, respectively) will keep separate update tracks until that unified firmware is released. It’s possible that the lull in firmware releases was due to first, the color updates, and second, the unified one. It’s the best explanation I’ve heard short of Kobo deciding to be transparent for a change.
That makes sense.
Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask, Nathan, but I’m in the market for a new ereader. My current one goes all the way back to 2018, the Kobo Forma. I’m a huge fan of the Forma’s durability thanks to its Mobius eink screen. As I understand it, it’s still the only major Mobius ereader out there. Are any of the newer ereader from ’23 on as durable as the Forma (Kindle or Kobo models)? Is there newer eink plastic substrate screen that’s replaced Mobius that I should search for?
Unfortunately Mobius screens just never did catch on and there really are no new options or alternatives. Part of the problem is companies have found a loophole where cracked E Ink screens aren’t covered by warranties because they can always claim it’s the user’s fault if it breaks, so they have no incentive to offer more durable screens. That said, you can usually buy optional extended warranties that cover accidental breakages.
I’ll never understand the abandonment of the Mini. The firmware updates for the Glo have seemingly been compatible with the Mini the entire time, despite slightly lower specs. Was the extra testing really that onerous?
Good morning.
For the Czech site
the latest Kobo update is more important than the release notes say. In particular, pdf handling is greatly improved. I downloaded for both Kobo Libra color and Kobo Aura One and saw the improvement.
By the way, it’s a Polish site.
I’ve just upgraded the firmware for Libra 2 (4.38.23038). When I opened a pdf file, the device restarted. epub files are ok. So I wanted to get back to a previous version but the device is now not recognized by the macbook. The device reads “Connected and charging” (only charging is true).
Will see if I find any solution.
Yeah, and now my Kobo Libra 2 can find ALL networks in my area EXCEPT my own.