If you’re looking to get a new Kobo ereader or eNote, three of the current models are currently on sale in the US through BlueProton (Kobo’s US partner) on Amazon (oddly they aren’t on sale on Kobo’s website, but maybe they will be later).
This time around the Kobo Libra Colour, the Kobo Sage, and the Kobo Elipsa 2E are included in the sale. It’s a Kobo eNote sale since all three support using a stylus for notetaking, although the Elipsa 2E is the only one that comes with a stylus, but you can get a third-party stylus for under $30.
The Kobo Elipsa 2E is $50 off at $349, but as I posted about a few days ago, you can get the 1st gen Kobo Elipsa for $219 refurbished directly from Kobo right now so that might be a better option if you’re looking to save some cash and don’t care about having temperature control on the frontlight.
The Kobo Libra Colour is marked down to $199, which is $20 off the regular price. The Kobo Sage is $30 off at $239. Both are typical sale prices for Kobo.
Here’s the link to my Kobo Elipsa 2E review and my Kobo Libra Colour review if you want to learn more about those two models.
One thing I don’t get about BlueProton selling Kobo’s ereaders is they’re often charging $10 above the retail price lately. The two Kobos that aren’t on sale right now, the Kobo Clara BW and Kobo Clara Colour, are both $10 above the list price. Apparently people don’t care because they’re still buying them, but it’s like an unoffiical price hike and I don’t understand why Kobo lets BlueProton get away with overcharging for their products—it makes both companies look bad.
Kobo eReader Sales List
Kobo Libra Colour – $199 ($20 off)
Kobo Sage – $239 ($30 off)
Kobo Elipsa 2E – $349 ($50 off)
I feel like the Sage has to be on the list for a color screen update, but that may depend on how sales have been – I could just as easily see it being discontinued to leave the Elipsa at the high end.
At this point it doesn’t look like they will ever release a follow-up to the Sage. Kobo never updates their mid-size models for some reason. The Kobo Aura One was arguably one of their best models ever, but they never released a 2nd gen version of it, and they never released a second gen Forma either. The Sage came out at the same time as the Libra 2 in 2021 so it’s getting up there in age.