The Nook Tablet was originally slated for release today, November 18th. It ended up arriving in stores a few days early—score!—so I canceled my pre-order and went down to my local Barnes and Noble store and picked one up. Thanks to a loophole that allows the installation of third-party Android apps without a hack, the […]
Kindle Touch 3G Video Review and First Impressions
My Kindle Touch 3G arrived yesterday at the same time as the Kindle Fire. I spent most of the day on the Kindle Fire but gave the Kindle Touch a test drive before going to bed and then spent most of today with it. The first thing I noticed is that it doesn’t have the […]
Kobo Vox Review Part 1 (Video)
Here’s the link to the first installment of the Kobo Vox review. My Kobo Vox finally arrived at the end of last week. It had some major issues when it showed up that would have caused most people to return it or exchange it, but I’m used to troubleshooting Android devices so after triggering a […]
Kindle Fire Video Review and First Impressions
My Kindle Fire arrived early this morning so I’ve had all day to test it out and experiment with different things. I put together a video review and thought I’d write down some first impression while everything is still fresh in my brain. First off, I like the feel of the Kindle Fire. It is […]
Nook Touch with Firmware 1.1 is the Fastest eReader (Video)
When I first installed the new firmware for the Nook Touch that Barnes and Noble released last week, version 1.1.0, I wasn’t impressed. Barnes and Noble claim it is a “major” update, but after installing it I found out that it doesn’t even add any noticeable new features. However, after some further testing, I’ve come […]
Kindle 4 vs Kindle 3 Keyboard Comparison Review (Video)
This Kindle 4 vs Kindle 3 review is a comparison between the new $79 Kindle and the Kindle 3, now known as the Kindle Keyboard. This review does not compare the third 6-inch model, the Kindle Touch, because it has not been released just yet. I’ll post some comparisons with it in a couple of […]
Nook Tablet vs Kindle Fire vs Kobo Vox Comparison Review
The three largest ebook companies all have shiny new color ereaders that double as tablets ready just in time for the holiday season, with all of them trying to duplicate the success of the Nook Color from last year. Comparing the specs of the Nook Tablet versus the Kindle Fire and Kobo Vox reveals all […]
Nook Touch vs Sony Reader PRS-T1 (Video)
This Nook Touch vs Sony PRS-T1 comparison review outlines the differences and similarities between two of the top ebook readers on the market. Both are a lot alike in many ways, but each one offers features the other does not. First let’s start with a video review comparing them and then move on to what […]