People are always asking how each ebook reader handles PDF files, so I wanted to put together this dedicated PDF review for the Kobo Glo HD to show all the features available for PDFs. Like the Kobo Aura H2O and Kobo’s other ereaders, the Kobo Glo HD is designed primarily to display ebooks from Kobo […]
Hoopla Adds eBooks and Comics to Library Lending Service
Hoopla Digital offers a service much like OverDrive that provides free access to digital content from public libraries across North America. Hoopla gives library patrons access to over 300,000 movies, TV shows, full music albums, audiobooks, and now they’ve just added ebooks and comics to their selections as well. All you need is a library […]
Yotaphone 2 Dual Screen E Ink Phone Arrives in August
The Yotaphone 2 is offically headed to North America in a few months after being released in parts of Europe and Asia in December. Yota is running an Indiegogo campaign to bring the Yotaphone to wider markets. For those that make a contribution in the first 48 hours of the campaign, by May 21st, you […]
B&N Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Trade In Promotion
Barnes and Noble has started running a new trade-in promotion to entice people to trade an old ebook reader or tablet for credit toward the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook tablet. B&N is accepting select Nook, Kindle, iPad, and Nexus devices for trade in. The credit ranges from $25-$200 toward the purchase […]
Siswoon R9 Darkmoon, a Dual Screen E Ink Smartphone
The Siswoon R9 Darkmoon is a new dual screen smartphone with an E Ink screen on one side and an LCD screen on the other. Smartphones that incorporate E Ink screens are starting to become more popular. Some like the InkCase are secondary E Ink displays often added to covers to pair with a phone […]
10 Free Kindle eBooks, Plus Kindle Book Deals
Here’s a roundup of 10 free highly-rated Kindle ebooks for your weekend. All these books have really good reviews and are very popular. Owning a Kindle is not required to read them; you can use a Kindle reading app for iPad, iPhone, and Android devices, or use a computer or web browser. The free ebooks […]
New Lenovo Tab 2 A10, A8 and A7 Tablets – Good Value Picks
Lenovo added some new Android tablets to their “A” series this past month with a “Tab 2” designation. There are two 7-inch models and a 10-inch model. An 8-inch model is coming soon as well. The tablets seem to be flying under the radar lately as they haven’t been getting much press, but they look […]
BookGorilla Sends Daily Alerts for Free and Discounted Kindle Books
If you’re looking for a new way to find best-selling Kindle ebooks for free or on sale, BookGorilla is a service that sends out a daily email alert highlighting popular deals and free titles. You can choose to receive alerts from over 200 specific Kindle ebook categories, including genres and sub-genres, or just bestsellers. You […]