The company that makes the epaper screens for the majority of ebook readers, including Kindles and Nooks, is called E Ink. In addition to ereader screens, E Ink’s technology is used in all kinds of different applications.
In the video below, E Ink’s CMO Sri Peruvemba shows off a bunch of new products and ideas that E Ink and their partners have been working on, including traffic lights, crosswalks, signs, locks, and even kayak and bike computers.
If you don’t want to watch the whole video, at least make sure to fast forward to the 10:12 mark to see E Ink’s latest generation color displays, called Triton 2. They even have one equipped with a frontlight similar to the new Nook Touch with GlowLight.
At 11:55, they demonstrate how smooth video playback has gotten on E Ink screens by showing Bugs Bunny dancing. But that’s nothing new. The Kindle and Nook have been playing videos for awhile now. Not that smoothly, though.
After that there’s a look at E Ink’s high resolution screens that have 300 dpi (dots per inch). Normal E Ink screens have 167 dpi. These high resolution screens are good for showing fine details for maps, pictures, diagrams, etc. It would be cool to have an ereader with one of those screens…
Hi there,
does anyone know the name of the e-textbooks/educational readers on the left side from 14:25 on?
The one on the far left is the Kindle DX and the other one is a PocketBook Pro 902 or 903.
Thanks! Funny I didn’t recognize the DX…
300 dpi resolution displays! HD!!!!
The Triton 2 display is still not there yet. The colors are not saturated enough even with the front light.
The 300 dpi shows promise, but only if they can get to 8 bit grey scale, then you’ll have a breakthrough product.
Yeah I am really not all that impressed with the E Ink color displays. They look interesting, but it seems more like a convention-only product. If the colors were more vivid, it might have a go.
I would be ecstatic if Nook put out a 300 dpi/8-bit grey scale HD touch reader (with updated software).
My Nexus 7 shipping notice was emailed to me this morning at 1am!
Nathan, do you have a list of all of the cool Android apps you use? I want to make sure I am exploiting Androids media capabilities. I know about Aldiko, but what about PDF readers, video players, or anything else that has to do with eReading? Thanks.
Me too. At 1:03 am. It seems like they always wait until the weekend for product launches…
I’ve got a list of PDF Android apps and an outdated ereading apps list. I’ve been meaning to write an Android tablet getting started guide but there’s never enough time.