Charbax recently uploaded a YouTube video with an Onyx rep about Onyx’s reading and notetaking devices, with some insights on the direction of Onyx as a company.
It’s a long-winded video but they show some of the newer features that were added with the last 2.1.2 software update, including some of the different syncing options.
The device shown in the video is the 10.3-inch Onyx Boox Note Pro.
First they talk about the new speech recognition feature that can convert speech to text.
Another thing shown in the video is using the OneNote app to sync in real time with a computer, with your handwriting transferring to the computer monitor as you write on the Boox. This is shown in the video at 9:45.
Unfortunately the OneNote app has more lag than the built-in app because it’s not designed for E Ink screens, but the syncing features can be useful nonetheless.
They also show the built-in Note app syncing with Evernote. That’s one of the advantages with Onyx’s devices is there are several quick and easy ways to sync your device’s notes with a computer or other device in just a few seconds.
I also really like the new feature that converts handwritten notes to typed text, especially when using it with the keyboard, but that was not discussed in this video.
I saw that the other day. They’ve done other videos before, at CES in January. The Onyx guy can barely contain his laughter in the CES videos because the Charbox guy says some rather overly dramatic comments about e-ink
Thanks to your reviews and guidance, I decided to bite the $600 bullet and get the Onyx Note Pro. Keeping my fingers crossed it’s as good as it looks on your awesome video review. 😁
Does anyone know if the model discussed in the interview has a glass screen or a paper-like plastic screen? The glass screens just don’t have the feel of paper.
The Note Pro has a glass front layer and the regular Note does not, and it also lacks a frontlight.
I just got the Note Pro today. It’s simply breathtaking. I share your disdain for glass screens, but the glass Onyx uses on these readers is like no other glass I have ever used. No glare, and text literally pops off the screen. You can also adjust text contrast, even on PDFs, and make the screen look exactly like paper with good white balance.
No joke, my girlfriend saw it and thought I had put a printed page on top of the reader.
It’s pricey as heck but I if you read PDFs, it’s a must have.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned anywhere, I could not find that it had, so I am mentioning it here. I discovered that on the Nova Pro if you install a different ebook app (I use Moon + Reader Pro … Thanks for the tip on the 50% off Nathan) you can get certain book formats to open by default in the new app by following this procedure.
1) Install the new reader app.
2) Use the storage icon and navigate to a book in say .epub format.
3) Long press on the file and select “Open With”
4) Select the reading software you want to open EPUBs from the list.
5) Check the “Set as the default program” check box.
From this point on, when you select an EPUB file from the “Library” view, it will open in the reading software you selected.
I have set Moon + Reader Pro to open .epub, .mobi, and .azw3 files while leaving .PDFs to be opened in the stock New Reader.
I though perhaps this information might be of interest to other Onyx owners on who read this blog.
Good morning. I purchased this device and I’ve been having some issues with it. I can’t seem to pair Bluetooth earbuds to the device. Can you help me?
Sorry but this isn’t a customer support channel. Setting up Bluetooth is explained in the user manual. To download it go to settings and tap the device icon.
I appreciate your response. I finally found out how to connect the bluetooth. Blessings to you.
Good morning Nathan,
Do you have a release date tor the updated firmware 9.0?
They haven’t said yet.