Yesterday I posted an article about favorite Kindles, so today let’s shift the same question over to the Kobo platform.
Kobo has been in the E Ink ereader game since 2010, and they’ve released a lot of ebook readers since then. I’ve reviewed most of them, except the very first model (I also refused to review the Kobo Nia because the only thing new about it was the name).
Kobo still supports most of the ereaders they’ve released (except the first two and the Kobo Mini), and they still release software updates a couple times a year to add new features.
Picking a favorite Kobo model isn’t as easy for me as choosing a favorite Kindle. The Kobo Aura One was one of my favorites, but it did have a few notable flaws (touchscreen issues, poor battery life), and it’s a shame they never released a second generation version.
If I had to chose only one Kobo to use, it would probably be the Kobo Libra 2. It’s a good size, the screen looks great, the frontlight is the best I’ve seen on a Kobo, and I really like the page-turn buttons.
The only thing I don’t like about the Kobo Libra 2 is the plasitic casing material feels kind of cheap, and in retrospect I probably should’ve gotten the black one instead of the white one.
Frankly the Kobo Sage has a nicer design, and I should like it better than the Libra 2, but to be honest I just never gelled with the Kobo Sage. I’m not a big fan of the flush front screen, and I especially don’t like how it flares up on the edge with the buttons, and the device just seems a little too big to me. I liked the Kobo Forma better. I might’ve chosen it over the Libra 2 if not for the frontlight imperfections that ultimately led to me getting rid of it.
So what is your favorite Kobo model and why?
I have also had several kobo readers. My favorite would have to be the Forma. Really good battery life, feels good to hold, and I love the page turn buttons on the side. I love Kobos better than kindle for the ability to load different formats onto it. I had a kindle for a while but the battery life was terrible and I had to use Calibre to convert my books to kfx. My second fave would be the Elipsa. I have the 2nd version and I really like the larger screen. I don’t like the battery life (or lack of it) on the Sage. The forma is god for when I am Away from home but the Elipsa is what I read on at home. It will be interesting to see if they introduce a large screen color reader…
How’s the screen clarity compared to the Sage on the Elipsa 2E. I’m trying to find a 10 inch reader and was quite disappointed with the Scribe. The screen coating really made it difficult for me to read from it. It was very noticeable. Does the Elipsas screen feel a bit rough if you run your finger on it compared to the Sage? Or are they equally smooth? Thanks
Slightl rougher but not too much. The Elipsa 2E to me is wonderful. I don’t use the stylus so I can’t comment on that but as a 10 inch reader it is great!
Thanks so much for replying.
Out of interest, did you remove the factory installed screen protector when you received the device?
I don’t really have a favorite Kobo. At the moment I use the Sage and the Libra 2; both have their flaws and strong points. The Libra has an excellent screen, but it still uses the old processor that makes it noticeably slower than the Sage, and it’s also a bit too thick for my taste. The Sage suits me better shape- and sizewise, it’s also pretty zippy, but the frontlight on mine is uneven. I don’t mind the battery life, it’s good enough for me.
The best Kobo for me ergonomically was the first Libra, Libra H2O. Its shape suited me perfectly, but the screen was pretty meh, considerably worse than the Libra 2.
My perfect Kobo would be a 8” Libra H2O with the screen quality of the Libra 2 and the processor of the Sage (or better).
I don’t own any kobos currently but it would probably be the liibra 2. I had the original libra but the lighting was uneven. I currently own the kindle paperwhite 11th gen and the Nook glowlight plus brnv700. The flush glossy screen of the kindle kind of annoys me though even though it is faster.. I got the nook brnv700 for 60 something bucks from unclaimed baggage. I rooted it, flash installed an alternative android ROM on it and installed KOreader with ADB.. I use it for technical docs like maths and computer programming books (7.8 inches baby!) and k2pdfopt optimized (from the Linux command line) pdfs even though KOreader has k2pdfopt as part of it or in the engine or whatnot. To do that on Onyx is more expensive but less work setting it up and the battery health is good on the brnv700.
I’ve had many Kobos, but my favorite is the Mini. It slips in a t-shirt pocket, and is always ready to go. I only wish that they would release a new version.
I agree. The Mini was one of my favorites too. I don’t understand why it’s the only touchscreen model that Kobo has stopped supporting, and they kicked it to the curb a long time ago. It makes no sense.
I never had kobo mini, but I totally understand you. I still keep my pocketbook mini for outside. I love the small size. But my favourite Kobo is Sage. Except battery life is per.
For all its imperfections, I really love my forma. It is so wonderfully light and feels great in hand. I hope Kobo will return to using plastic-backplane displays in some models.
Well, I guess my preferences are just different. To Me, the Sage is by far my favorite over the Forma. Most comfortable to hold e-reader that I have owned…the closest second was the small Kindle Oasis…even though it had crazy design issues.
Great screen clarity…better than my Voyage.
I have the Kindle Scribe and like it, but the moment Kobo puts out a 300 dpi 10″ color or regular eink, I will buy it. The little formatting issues( margin control, generated page numbers and progress markers) just make Kobo more enjoyable. I am also a big fan of Kobo’s integrated Pocket reader.
I’ve owned 6 Kobo ereaders, various models and my favourite has been the Kobo Glo HD. It worked great, never had any technical issues with that model.
My favourite Kobo e-reader is still the Aura H2O, with an infrared screen that gave fonts a sharpness that newer models have never achieved. Its successor was the worst evolution of a Kobo device I’ve ever seen. It was like going from day to night.
I have 3 Kobo ereaders: Mini, Aura H2O (1st gen) and Aura One. I like them all for different purposes. But my favourite is my beloved Kobo Aura One. I do not experienc any touchscreen issues that aren’t fat fingered caused. Nor am I disappointed with the battery, just wishing it were replaceable so the Aura One would last forever.
Yes, replaceable batteries would give new life to my three Minis and two H2Os (1st gen). I’ve taken them to cellphone repair shops; nobody will touch them.
You can do some quick googling and order a replacement battery (ebay.) Shouldn’t take any soldering or the like, just popping the back and using the plugs.
Elipsa came up to be a major disappointment, it has died (still can’t get a warranty replacement)… Libra is the right size of the screen for reading, but I find it too heavy (yeah, don’t judge). And I turned up be super happy about Clara 2E. Aura One together with Libra are dusting on the shelf.
PS: I think I had just still to Aura H2O, sold it at some point…
I never thought I would like page turn buttons but I have come to really like them. The Elipsa 2E is very nice but I miss the buttons so my first choice as favorite is the Libra 2. If the Sage had a better battery life it would be my top pick because of the beautiful screen in dark mode.
Sage. The things I really like, are the screen clarity and contrast, the zippy feel of the UI, the magnetic sleep cover, and I even find the note taking useful on occasion. I love the flush screen and don’t mind the slight upwards flare at the edge whatsoever.
The light weight of the Forma is more ergonomic for me, but when it comes down to which reader to pick up and read on, I find myself always going for the Sage. Forma actually has a less sharp screen than my Aura One. However, because of the lighter weight and less breakable Mobius screen, the Forma is the one I’ll take when running errands.
If Sage could be a bit lighter, with a bit better battery life, it would be perfection.
Kobo models owned at present include: Aura HD, Aura One, Forma, and Sage.
Sage. I love my Aura One, and IMHO, the Sage is the natural follow on to it. I have a Clara HD for travel when I want something smaller.
The Forma and the Mini.
The Forma for the bigger screen and page turning buttons, I haven’t made the jump to the Sage, I don’t care for the extra features and lesser battery life, so if my Forma dies, probably I’ll try to find another one instead of a Sage. At first I wasn’t convinced with the asymmetrical design of the Forma, but it really works well and it’s comfortable for reading in bed on my side with an origami cover to prop it up. I’m intrigued by the Ellipsa, but maybe it will be a little too big for bed, and I don’t need all those extra note-writing features, so I’m not considering it.
The Mini was very comfortable for on-the-go reading, I switched to an original Aura when my daily commute made necessary a reader with light, but even if it wasn’t much bigger, the original Aura didn’t fit in some of my bags, so now I’m using a Hisense 5 eink phone for on-the-go reading, although now I don’t have long commutes, so it doesn’t get much use.