The cat is out of the bag on Kobo’s next ebook reader. They were unable to keep this one secret like they did with the Kobo Aura HD, which surprised everyone when it was unveiled. Today leaked photos of Kobo’s next ebook reader surfaced online, and so did details from the FCC. Both reveal key […]
eBook Readers
Kindle Touch Software Updated to Version 5.3.7
Yesterday Amazon issued a firmware update for the Kindle Touch that adds a few new features. Nothing major, just a couple of details that were added to the Kindle Paperwhite with recent software updates. Isn’t it interesting how Amazon keeps retrofitting most of the new features from the Kindle Paperwhite to the Kindle Touch? It’s […]
E Ink Expected to Release Successor to Pearl Screens By End of Year
Earlier in the month David Carnoy from CNET posted details of an interview with E Ink, the company that makes the screens for the Kindles, Kobo and Sony ereaders, Nook, and most other ebook readers around the world. Unfortunately the folks at E Ink didn’t reveal very much new information that hasn’t been talked about […]
Kobo Aura HD Back In Stock
Earlier in the week I posted about the Kobo Aura HD being out-of-stock at Kobo and several retailers. That made me wonder if Kobo was already discontinuing their 6.8″ limited edition ereader, but that was mostly because it had appeared to have been removed entirely from Kobo’s main ereader page on their website—but that just […]
Has the Kobo Aura HD Already Been Discontinued?
When Kobo surprised everyone by unveiling the Kobo Aura HD back in April, we knew from the beginning that it was unlikely to stay around as long as Kobo’s other ereaders because it was labeled as “limited edition”, with no real explanation of what that meant exactly. Well, just three months after launch, signs are […]
How to Enable Night Mode (White Text, Black Background) on Kobo eReaders
I came across an interesting trick at MobileRead the other day for Kobo’s line of E Ink ebook readers—the Kobo Glo, Kobo Mini, Kobo Touch, and Kobo Aura HD—to get them to display white text on a black background instead of the usual black text on a white(ish) background. It’s a straightforward trick that doesn’t […]
Sony Reader PRS-T3 Shows Up at FCC, But Does it Have a Frontlight?
Paperwork for Sony’s next generation PRS-T3 ebook reader has turned up at the FCC. The funny thing is this is exactly how things played-out last year when the PRS-T2 showed up on the FCC website in early July before Sony ever announced it. Then it officially went on sale in mid-August. I’d expect the same […]
Controlling a Kindle Paperwhite with a Remote Control (Video)
Sometimes when a gadget doesn’t come with all the features you would like it to have, you have to take matters into your own hands. That’s what a member over at Mobileread did with the Kindle Paperwhite. The person known as zxczxc wanted to be able to turn pages without having to hold/touch the Kindle […]