Onyx had several of their latest new devices on display at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair earlier this month. Among them was a special limited edition version of the Onyx Boox Max 2, called the Max 2 Pro. It has the same 13.3-inch E Ink screen and 1.6GHz quad-core processor as the regular Max 2, […]
eBook Readers
First Look at Onyx’s Color E Ink eReader for Schools (Video)
Onyx recently showed off a 10.7-inch ereader with a color E Ink screen that was designed specifically to use as part of a pilot program for schools in China. Color E Ink screens have been around since 2010 when E Ink first released their Triton displays. A few devices were released using color E Ink […]
New 6″ Onyx Boox Poke and Poke Pro Coming Soon (Video)
In addition to the new 7.8-inch Onyx Boox Nova that’s getting released soon, Onyx also has a couple of new 6-inch ebook readers, the Onyx Boox Poke and Poke Pro, that are expected to get released in November or December. The Poke has a similar design to the larger Nova and Note models with a […]
10.3″ Onyx Boox Note Plus Now Available with Glass Screen
Onyx has released a new version of their 10.3-inch Onyx Boox Note that adds a flush glass screen for extra durability. The Onyx Boox Note Plus is now available to purchase at Amazon for $569. That’s $20 more than the regular version. The Note Plus still uses a flexible plastic-based E Ink screen like the […]
3 Ways to Buy the New Kobo Forma eReader in the USA
Kobo’s latest ebook reader, the 8-inch Kobo Forma, is now shipping. It officially gets released on October 23rd. There are three places you can order a Kobo Forma from in the United States. Each has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately if you live in the US there isn’t going to be […]
Video Showing New 7.8″ Onyx Boox Nova and Nova Plus
Earlier in the month, the final specs of the new 7.8-inch Onyx Boox Nova were revealed, and it turns out there will be two versions, one with a Wacom touchscreen without a light—the Nova Plus—and one sans the Wacom touchscreen with a frontlight. Now there’s a YouTube video showing the final version of the Onyx […]
New Tolino Shine 3 is a Kobo Clara HD Clone
Yesterday the Tolino Alliance released a new 6-inch ebook reader in parts of Europe called the Tolino Shine 3, and it just happens to look exactly like the Kobo Clara HD. Not only that but it has the same exact specs as the Clara HD, with 8GB of storage space, a 1GHz processor, 512MB of […]
Boyue Likebook Mars Review and Video Demo
Review Date: October 2018 – Review unit purchased from Amazon Overview The Likebook Mars is made by a company called Boyue that’s based in China. Boyue has been making ereaders for several years now, sometimes under different brand names (like InkBook), but the Likebook Mars is their first to run Android 6.0 (the other models […]