Amazon has added a new incentive for people to buy ad-free Kindles over ad-supported models by doubling the term of Kindle Unlimited that you can get for free. Amazon has been giving customers the option to add 3 months of Kindle Unlimited to new Kindle purchases for a long time, and that option is still […]
Amazon Kindle
Does Your Kindle Display Book Covers in Sleep Mode Now?
Both of my ad-free Kindles finally got the option to display book covers on the sleep screen today so it looks like the May 17th rumor that’s been circulating on reddit might be true. If so, then pretty much everyone who has an ad-free Kindle should have the book cover setting now, provided you have […]
Kindles with Special Offers Getting New Ad Layout
It looks like Amazon is rolling out a new ad format for Kindles with Special Offers (ad-supported Kindles) that changes how the advertisements display on the lockscreen. Neither of my ad-free Kindles have the new lockscreen book cover feature yet, but three of my ad-supported Kindles are displaying a new ad format on the lockscreen. […]
New Kindle Software Update 5.13.6 Released
It’s time for another round of Kindle updates! Right on cue, Amazon has been releasing Kindle updates every two or three months lately. The last update released in March was seemingly pointless. Nothing was included in the release notes except the usual “performance improvements, bug fixes, and other general enhancements.” This time around it’s the […]
Kindle Paperwhite Still #1 By Far
The Kindle Paperwhite has been the most popular Kindle for a long time, and the current version is no exception. In fact the Kindle Paperwhite 4 is probably the most popular Kindle model of all time in terms of gross sales, except we’ll never know that for sure since Amazon never releases any Kindle sales […]
Workaround for Dark Mode on Older Kindles
I came across a post on reddit the other day that outlines a workaround to use dark mode—white text with a black background—on older Kindles that lack the official dark mode feature. In fact this would work on any E Ink ebook reader, not just Kindles, and it’s so easy to do I’m surprised more […]
Kindle eReaders on Sale for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is coming up on May 9th so naturally Amazon is hosting another round of sales on Kindle ereaders and other Amazon devices. This time around the Kindle Paperwhite is the best Kindle deal at $94.99 for the 8GB model. That’s $35 off the regular price. The 32GB version is marked down to $119.99, […]
Kindle Prices Vary Widely by Country
I’ve been paying more attention to Kindle prices lately now that Amazon has started rolling out the new book cover feature on Kindle e-readers, and it’s surprising how much prices vary from one country to the next, especially when it comes to the Kindle Paperwhite. In most countries Amazon doesn’t sell ad-supported Kindles so in […]