Ever since a flawed study was published several years ago about how using an iPad at full brightness before bedtime can make it take longer for some folks to fall asleep, the war against blue light has really taken off. App developers and ebook reader manufacturers jumped on the anti blue light bandwagon by offering […]
E Ink Releasing New “Print-Color” Screens for eReaders and Notebooks
E Ink is going to attempt to get another color ebook reader on the market (hopefully things go better than last time with the Jetbook Color), and some color E Ink e-notebooks too. E Ink recently announced that they’ve developed a new color technology called Print-Color E Ink, an offshoot of their ACeP color displays, […]
The Open Book Project Aims to Develop Open Hardware eBook Reader
There’s an interesting article over on Hackaday about how someone is trying to develop an open source ebook reader that doesn’t lock users into a closed platform. As the The Open Book Project page at github describes it, “The Open Book aims to be a simple device that anyone with a soldering iron can build […]
MobiScribe Wacom Stylus only $25 on Amazon
I’ve just come across the least expensive Wacom stylus I’ve ever seen that’s compatible with many of the E Ink notepads out there. At $24.99 with free shipping, this MobiScribe Wacom Stylus costs less than half the price of some similar styluses on the market. Even replacement styluses that you can order from China on […]
Seeing Faint Background Text on eBook Readers is Normal
Those that are new to E Ink ebook readers like Kindles, Kobos and Nooks often ask if it’s normal to see faint text from previous pages on the background of the screen. The effect is entirely normal with E Ink screens, to a certain extent, and it is often referred to as ghosting. E Ink […]
New Onyx Boox Reading Light is a Blast from the Past
Onyx has started selling a new Boox reading light. It’s the kind that you wear around your neck that rests on your chest with the light pointing outward. Seeing it is like traveling back in time to when ebook readers didn’t have frontlights. Back then ebook reader reading lights were quite common. Fittingly the pictures […]
E Ink Booth Tour Showing Latest Products at CEATEC 2019 (Video)
Every year Charbax uploads at least one YouTube video showing the current state of E Ink with an in-depth video tour of E Ink’s latest products. This year things are starting to become more interesting again. E Ink has a lot of products branching out into several different markets, and with advances in color E […]
A Closer Look at Hisense A5 E Ink Smartphone (Video)
A couple of weeks ago we got the first look at a new upcoming smartphone from Hisense with an E Ink screen called the Hisense A5, along with a new dual-screen A6L model. Now there’s another YouTube video with a closer look at the Hisense A5, although it’s not in English. It was posted by […]