Once again Barnes and Noble is backtracking on one of their earlier business decisions. Last June B&N announced that would be spinning off the Nook portion of their business into a separate company. As it turns out, that’s not going to happen. Barnes and Noble’s new plan is to separate their college business, which consists […]
Amazon to Publish First 10 Kindle Scout eBooks
Yesterday Amazon announced that they will be publishing their first wave of ebooks next week selected through the Kindle Scout program. About four months back, Amazon launched the Kindle Scout program that gives authors the opportunity to submit unpublished work where readers choose which titles they want to see published based on reading a sample. […]
How E Ink’s Electronic Paper Technology Works (Video)
I came across a video on YouTube uploaded by Pocketnow with a guided tour showing how E Ink displays work. None of it is new exactly, but the video is entertaining and educational so it’s worth watching if you want to know more about E Ink’s various electronic papers displays and how the technology works. […]
RemoteInk Turns PocketBook eReaders Into Computer Monitors
I came across an interesting post at MobileRead yesterday about someone who developed a program called RemoteInk that allows you to use a Pocketbook Pro or Pocketbook Touch as a computer monitor. Right now the program only works with Linux and X-Windows systems (too bad or I’d give it a try). But there are a […]
How to Enable Text-to-Speech on iPad & iPhone for Kindle, iBooks, etc
Last week I posted a text-to-speech review for Kindle devices and a reader left a tip about how to enable text-to-speech for Kindle ebooks using an iPad or iPhone. The iOS Kindle app doesn’t support TTS normally but you can use a screen reading accessibility feature on iOS devices running iOS 8 and newer to […]
Trade-In Values Have Tanked for Older eReaders
I was checking trade-in values the other day over at Amazon for Kindle ebook readers and Fire tablets, and was surprised to find that trade-in values have fallen off a cliff since the last time I checked. Most models aren’t even available for trade-in anymore. Last year I traded in a couple of old Kindles […]
Energy eReader Pro Review and Video Review (Boyue T62)
The Energy eReader Pro is a new Android-powered ebook reader that was just released by Energy Sistem earlier this month. The folks at Energy Sistem were nice enough to send one to test about two week ago and I was able to get the eReader Pro review finished today along with the video walkthrough. Energy […]
OverDrive’s Big Library Read and Global eBook Club
Today OverDrive announced that their Big Library Read is coming back next month, which is a global ebook club of sorts that gives people around the world an opportunity to read the same ebook, or listen to the audiobook, for free through the 30,000+ public libraries and schools that use OverDrive’s ebook lending program. This […]