After being unavailable for the past few weeks, the Pocketbook Color with a 6-inch color E Ink screen is now back in stock at Newegg.
It’s selling for the same $229 price as it was before they sold out, plus $7.68 for shipping, and it ships from the US not from Europe or China like other retailers.
It’s good to see that Pocketbook hasn’t already pulled the plug on their color E Ink ereader like Onyx seemingly has with the Poke2 Color, which was only available for one day.
I was just getting ready to post a review of the Pocketbook Color when it became unavailable from Newegg so I decided to hold off on the review in case they stopped selling it for good like Onyx did with their color ereader.
Color E Ink has some flaws, as noted in the color E Ink review, and frankly I’d rather have a regular E Ink screen for reading text, but it’s still nice to have an option to get a color E Ink ereader for color content for those that would like to try it.
I really like the design of the Pocketbook Color with the added page buttons and memory card slot, and the software is pretty good too, but it does have a few flaws. I’ll try to get the review posted this week so you can see the Pocketbook Color in action. It’s nice to see it back in stock again. Color E Ink has some flaws but it’s too soon to give up on it already.
I’d love to have a color ereader and look forward to your review. I’m curious how easy it’d be to read Kindle books on this device.
Same as any other non-Kindle device: you’d have to remove the DRM and convert the ebooks to ePub. But I don’t recommend getting a color E Ink device to read typical ebooks. Text looks much better on regular E Ink screens. Frankly I wish I could trade the Pocketbook Color for the Pocketbook Touch HD 3 with a 300 ppi Carta screen because I really like Pocketbook’s design but I just don’t read comics and content with color very often.
Thanks for your helpful response, appreciate it!