Barnes and Noble released the much-anticipated new firmware for the Nook Color today, version 1.4.1.
According to Barnes and Noble, the update adds over 100 enhancements. The most prominent change is the addition of Netflix for streaming movies and tv shows.
The update will be pushed to all Nook Colors over Wi-Fi during the next couple of weeks. Or you can do what I did and install the update manually.
To install the update manually, all you have to do is download the update file from Barnes and Noble, then plug your Nook Color into your computer with the USB cable, and then transfer the update file as is to the Nook Color’s root directory.
Once you disconnect the Nook Color from your computer, it will install the update automatically once the device goes to sleep as long as the battery has sufficient charge (20% or more). If you have an N2A card or CM7 Rom installed, you need to remove the memory card first, otherwise it can’t reboot to install the update.
I just installed the new 1.4.1 update on my Nook Color and on the surface it doesn’t look like much has changed. I thought they might change the homescreen to add the extra icons that are on the Nook Tablet, but they didn’t. I thought Netflix would be pre-loaded too but you have to go to the appstore and download it. Hulu is not available like it is with the Nook Tablet. On the ereading front, B&N finally added landscape mode! It’s about time.
I thought maybe the Nook Color would have the same loophole now with the new firmware that lets the Nook tablet install third-party apps, but it doesn’t. The package installer prompts, but B&N closed the backdoor to the hidden settings menu.
I’ll post a review once I’ve had some time to get used to the new features. I’ll also post a comparison review between the Nook Color and Nook Tablet.
Here’s the changelog for the 1.4.1 update:
The NOOK Color Ver 1.4.1 update contains new features and enhancements, including:
- Access to popular movies and TV shows streamed through Netflix
- NOOK Comics™ including the largest collection of Marvel graphic novels – with vivid colors & rich images, the action nearly jumps off the page. Your issues always in perfect condition to enjoy again & again.
- PagePerfect™ NOOK Books™ – a whole new category of NOOK Books carefully crafted to keep the precision and beauty of their stunning print versions. Zoom in on pictures, and fluidly scroll through pages of beautiful cookbooks, art books, and more.
- Over 100 enhancements, including reading NOOK Books in portrait and landscape modes, direct look-up of words in the built-in dictionary, increased font size selection, and more.
Best part to me: Reading in landscape and portrait! (I do not subscribe to Netflix). About time NC supported that!
hey nathan
I am having problems with my usb cable. It charges on my cm7 but not regular nook and It wont let me move files for any of them. Do you think it could be the cable or the nook
The nook color uses a proprietary cable for faster charging. Said cable will only work with the NC. However, the NC will still work with normal mini usb cables – just be prepared for slower charging times. Thus, your regular nook cable will work with the nook color, while the NC’s cable won’t work with the nook.
come agian. i really didn’t understand that